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15 made in Iran products were unveiled in the field of transportation; Sattari: Injecting innovation into the automotive industry guarantees its future / Knowledge-based economy brought more than 300,000 billion tomans of capital to the country.

At the unveiling ceremony of 15 products in the field of transportation, the Vice President of Science and Technology pointed out the need to use innovation in the transportation industry and emphasized the presence of knowledge-based in this field.

In the presence of Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, Farshad Moghimi, CEO of Iran Khodro, Ahmad Reza Lahijanzadeh, Director of the Marine Environment and Wetlands Organization, and Manouchehr Manteghi, Secretary of the Space Technology and Advanced Transportation Development Office in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology was unveiled from 15 Made in Iran products in the field of air, space, automotive, rail, geomatics, remote sensing and intelligent, so that the related industries can benefit from the benefits and achievements of the country's knowledge-based products.

Today, Iran Innovation and Export House hosted 15 products in the field of air, space, automotive, rail, geomatics and remote sensing at the Tehran International Exhibition. Ideas on the frontier of knowledge that have been turned into products and marketed with the support of the Space Technology and Advanced Transportation Development Headquarters in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology.

 These products include Oj air oil, applied in light and ultralight aircraft, emergency contact system, information modeling system (spatial and descriptive) of building based on spatial information technology, health monitoring system of agricultural products based on artificial intelligence and geomatics and software technologies. Fast and online calculation of soil intensity and salinity anywhere and anytime in Iran.

Other products include fast and online software for calculating rice cultivation area and separation of high-yield and low-yield types, fast and online software for calculating surface change detection, with various applications, DJ Sound for collecting meteorological information, uniaxial table, monitoring and Preparation of aerial and satellite images and map of altitude and land use, design and construction of friction measuring device on the runway, visual navigation aid system of runway lighting, localization of all-electric driving forces of the car and 3 kW digital TV transmitter and mini turbojet engine.

 The Vice President of Science and Technology, noting that a new culture has entered the country's literature in recent years, said: "For several years, new terms such as venture capital funds, knowledge-based, etc. have entered the country's research literature." The formation of a large ecosystem with more than 7,000 knowledge-based and creative companies will confirm the subject.

Sattari added: "More than 60 research and technology funds have been created and a large number of stock exchange funds that have entered the financing, as well as various innovation factories and a large number of young people who are active in 10,000 startups are other documents for the development of this culture in the country”.

The head of the National Elites Foundation continued: The formation of a new economy with dimensions of more than 300 thousand billion Tomans and direct employment of over 350 thousand people is also the result of the development of science and technology in the country. A new and serious movement has started in the country with a high economic turnover, and some companies have experienced billions in sales.

Regarding the technological advancement areas of the country, Sattari said: "We are excellent in the fields of biotechnology, nanotechnology, aerospace, aerospace, stem cells, information and communication technology, digital technologies, etc."

The Vice President of Science and Technology stated that the most important achievement of these years in the field of science and technology is the development of companies, the production of products with technology, and the sale and commercialization of these products. For example, companies have experienced more than 3,000 billion tomans in the field of nano sales.

Sattari added: "Iranian manufacturing concepts and creative technologies are also the result of these efforts and we hope this movement will continue."

The head of the culture and knowledge-based economy and the development of soft and creative industries headquarters continued: "I am glad that innovation has penetrated the automotive industry, but we must try to own the industry, not the assembler." In this case, we need a specialist, technology and knowledge-based company.

The Vice President of Science and Technology also said: "The future of the transportation industry depends on smartening, and we should try to institutionalize the concept of smartening in this industry after electrification." This is also possible by completing its chain.

 In the continuation of this ceremony, Moghimi, CEO of Iran Khodro Company, pointing out that the future of the automobile industry depends on the development of electric vehicles, said: In 2020, about 3.5 million electric vehicles have been produced in the world.

Manouchehr Manteghi, Secretary of the Space Technology and Advanced Transportation Development Office of the Vice President for Science and Technology, also referred to the efforts made to create an innovative transformation in the transportation industry, saying: "This industry should be smart and transformed." Digitally move. Currently, there are two models of industry in the country, one is the mature industry that has moved towards innovation and the other is the innovation industry, which is created and developed by Dr. Sattari. We see that the country's innovative industry is advancing and developing rapidly.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

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  • News code : 76869

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