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Dehghani Firouzabadi visiting the chemical catalysts exhibition: insurance for the use of knowledge-based products is necessary for the country's industry.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy visited the first specialized conference and exhibition on the development of local technical knowledge and technology transfer in the manufacture and revival of chemical catalysts and the latest achievements of knowledge-based companies.

An exhibition that was held with the aim of presenting the achievements of knowledge-based companies in the field of chemical catalysts and connecting technological and start-up companies with large industrial companies in the petrochemical field and the formation of a startup campaign to attract technological cores to develop new technologies in the field of chemical catalysts.

Dehghani Firouzabadi visited this exhibition and invited the activists in the field to visit the exhibition and stated: In the exhibition, products have been presented a suitable answer to the country's needs and reduce Iran's dependence on global markets and can increase its export capability.

He added: In Iran, there is good potential in the field of chemical engineering, especially catalysts, and I don't think there is a catalyst in our industries that cannot be produced domestically and in knowledge-based companies.

Dehghani Firouzabadi continued: Another attractive point of the exhibition is the strong presence of talented and thoughtful women in this field and knowledge-based and manufacturing companies.

He considered the resistance of industries in buying Iranian catalysts as one of the problems of manufacturing companies and stated: When something starts, problems and obstacles will appear. An industry that has been used to supplying the catalyst needs from the foreign market for years, and has facilitated import routes, does not believe in the local power, and there are interests that want to preserve, that's why it is less willing to buy local equipment.

The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy continued: In the discussion for creating a spirit of belief in Iranian products, we are trying to eliminate excuses for refusing to buy products by creating new tools and the capacity of the knowledge-based production leap law and the working group for the first time.

He added: "To increase government purchases of local products, we must try to implement our actions seriously in line with the domestic production protection law, and we will deal decisively with the cases of violations that are reported." If we know that despite all the facilities considered, a group refuses to buy domestically produced quality products, we deal with this group legally.

He considered liability insurance for the use of knowledge-based services and products as a national necessity and said: if an industry uses a knowledge-based product; We will insure its possible consequences. This issue should become a culture that today we committed to the implementation of this goal to the collections.

The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy called the next problem of knowledge-based companies the issue of financing and said: Currently, our biggest problem is the issue of financing the collections. Today, in traditional financing, knowledge-based groups are asked for bank guarantees and real estate collateral, which many companies do not have. The Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, in cooperation with the Innovation and Prosperity Fund, seeks to define new financing models including "Collective credit financing models", "Stock market capacity", "Foreign investments", "Private financing" to widen the variety of financing models.

He also said: Catalyst industry has a high exchange rate and it is an industry that is all about technical knowledge and because the production of knowledge and technology in our country is much cheaper compared to the rest of the world. It is possible to open a special account for its exchange.

In this event, guests from the Vice Presidency of Science, Innovation and Prosperity Fund, industrial groups and groups active in the petrochemical field and prominent knowledge-based companies in the catalyst field participated in person and other knowledge-based companies participated in virtual form.

Its achievements include the presence of 32 knowledge-based companies, holding four meetings to present technological needs, holding a meeting to present capabilities, presenting 39 technological needs in the online event, and the presence of 124 people in the online event.

In line with the development of technical knowledge and technology transfer in the production and regeneration of chemical catalysts, the water and energy technology development headquarters has developed plans in the form of identifying the current situation, global trends of this industry, value chain analysis, identifying challenges and key points of the catalyst industry, and also presenting a plan. And a solution has been developed to strengthen the internal power in this area, which will be visible to elites, researchers and industrialists in this area at energy_water.isti.ir.

Objectives of the event

Estimating the needs related to the localization of chemical catalysts in industrial units, preparing and updating databases related to producers and consumers of various types of chemical catalysts, holding meetings between technical knowledge developers, producers, investors and consumers of chemical catalysts, holding business meetings between knowledge-based companies, employers' organizations and bodies and industrial units, networking and establishing communication and sharing the research results of the conference between knowledge-based and start-up companies with related industries and collections in the country are other goals of holding this conference and exhibition.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 88861

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