رونق تولید
Today : Friday Feb 14 2025

The Vice-Presidency for Science, Technology and Knowledge Based Economy Affairs

Address : scientific and technological department of presidential office, No,. 20, Ladan alley, North Sheikh Bahayee St., MollaSadra St., Vanak Sq., Tehran, Iran

Postal Code : 1991745681


Attar (Center for Department of International Affairs and Technological Exchange)

Address : No. 28, Before Attar Sq., Attar St., After Vanak Sq., Valiasr St., Tehran, Iran

Telephone No. : +9821-40884900
Email : international@isti.ir

Nanotechnology Development Headquarter

Address: No. 9, Shahid Motevalian St., Shahid Habibollah St., Sattar Khan St., Tehran, Iran

Telephone No. : 021-63101
Email : setad@nano.ir


Address: No. 11, Shirkouh Alley, Shahid Sarlashkar Fallahi St., Zafaraniyeh St., Tehran, Iran


Pirouzan (Biotechnology Development Headquarter)

Address: No. 15, On the Corner of Zahedi Dead-end, Pirouzan St., Pirouzan Sq., North Sheikh Bahaei St., Molasadra St., Tehran, Iran

Telephone No. : 021-88601624
Email : info@biodc.isti.ir

Alvand (Cognitive Sciences and Technologies Development Headquarter)

Address: No. 34, Alvand St., Argentina Sq., Tehran, Iran

Telephone No. : 021-88194
Email : info@cogc.ir

Kargar (Iranian National Science Foundation)

Address: No. 33, Fifth Alley, After Jalal Al-e Ahmad Intersection, North Kargar St., Tehran, Iran

Telephone No. : 021-88003974
Email : presidency@insf.org

Pardis Technology Park

Address: Pardis Technology Park, 20-km Damavand Road, Tehran, Iran

Telephone No. : 021-76250017
Email : info@techpark.ir

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