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Honoring Entrepreneurial Women by the Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs; Sattari: we will support the presence of women in innovation ecosystem.

The top entrepreneurial women in the field of occupation formation and added value formation showcased their abilities in the presence of Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, and Masoumeh Ebtekar, the vice president of Iran for women and family affairs.

Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, mentioned that the formation of a suitable ecosystem for innovative activities of women and paving their path is one of the priorities of the Vice-Presidency, expressing: in the early days of the knowledge-based ecosystem movement, a study was prepared by prominent researchers and professors and published in the form of the book "Understanding Silicon Valley". The book mostly focused on the uniqueness of this region and emphasized the necessity of establishing a suitable ecosystem for innovative activities and presence of its culture.

Sattari also pointed out that this approach, culture and creative workforce have led to the establishment of the ecosystem, adding: the path should be paved for venture capitals in community.

The president of the national elites foundation expressed that the formation of a suitable foundation for creative women is a necessity for realizing their businesses. In this regard, he marked: the same is true of women-based businesses. If an ecosystem is formed for their activities, we will definitely see the transformative and more influential role of women in this field.

He mentioned that oil-based economy and the culture of import are a serious obstacle to the development of knowledge-based economy. In this respect, he marked: the general culture of the country, which has thousands of years of roots and is based on innovation and entrepreneurship, has been subjected to this false culture and shifted the structure of the country from extraversion and export-oriented to raw selling and importing.

Sattari also stated: there was no chance for the entrepreneurship of women. Today, however, the emergence of knowledge-based companies has contributed to the growth of these individuals. Nevertheless, consolidation and promotion of this culture requires long-term work and comprehensive and full-fledged struggle by various sections of society.

Sattari pointed out the role of women in the new ecosystem, asserting: this struggle has taken shape between the ecosystem of scholars and the traditional and old economy, and now that we are at the beginning of the road, it is the best opportunity to establish the role of women in change.

Sattari considered cyberspace businesses as a great platform for women to play a role in the innovation ecosystem, adding: my major concern is to create an ecosystem that spontaneously reproduces and innovates.

In addition, Masoumeh Ebtekar, the vice president of Iran for women and family affairs, pointed out the constant presence of valuable research at academic level, asserting: Iran is among the accelerated countries in the field of science. However, bridging the gap between creative ideas, applied research and market demand is an important priority that needs to be addressed.

Moreover, Seyedeh Fatemeh Hosseini, the women affairs advisor of the vice president for science and technology affairs, talked about the support of the development of women’s role in the innovation ecosystem, adding: the support of the Vice-Presidency and the valuable efforts of women on this path lave eliminated limitations to the development of technology and innovative activities by women.

Pointing out the presence of women in information and communication technology-based businesses, she continued: home and creative jobs have also been done very well by women in the field of e-commerce businesses.

Hosseini mentioned that the innovations of Iranian women have entered the international markets, and this action has been supported by the Vice-Presidency. In this regard, she added: for women who have not made themselves dependent on employee work and have taken an important step in the development of their country while creating employment and added value, there is the capacity to be able to extend their capabilities beyond the borders of the country.

During the meeting, women involved in the field of entrepreneurship received a letter of appreciation from Sattari and Ebtekari. In the previous six periods of the award ceremony for top women entrepreneurs, 120 rural and urban entrepreneurs have been honored. The purpose of this event is to support women who proudly walk the path of progress and excellence.

Another part of the ceremony was a conversation between entrepreneurial women and vice presidents for introducing their achievements and abilities.

Signing a Memorandum of Understanding

During the meeting, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs and the Vice-Presidency for women and family affairs.

Improving the skills of women entrepreneurs in the field of information technology, access to cyberspace and offer products based on the needs of domestic and international markets, facilitating the production and distribution of products of women entrepreneurs in urban and rural areas due to the corona pandemic conditions and their activity and effectiveness in the virtual sales market, and determining cooperation strategies through purposeful community-based interventions for women entrepreneurs and direct jobs towards network employment are among the most important goals of the memorandum.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs


  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 71009

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