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Unveiling of 57 achievements of nano-based scientists; Sattari: Active nano-based academics have sold more than 8,000 billion tomans this year

57 achievements of nanotechnologists were unveiled in the presence of the Vice President for Science and Technology and 4 needs of the industry were met with them.

Sorena Sattari, the Vice President of Science and Technology also inaugurated the Center for Applied Nanotechnology at the unveiling ceremony and spoke with technology activists based in the center's sheds.

With the support of the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology, the ground for the establishment of knowledge-based companies was provided in the shelters of the Nanotechnology Industrial Center for development, production and research activities in the Scientific and Industrial Research Organization of Iran.

Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, referring to the ability of knowledge-based companies to meet the technological needs of the country, said: "Nanotechnology Development Headquarters in recent years has taken effective steps to develop this technology and Scientific and Industrial Research Organization with a new approach to support Innovative ideas are developed by knowledge-based and creative companies and contribute to the prosperity of the innovation and technology ecosystem.
Sattari, stating that more than 140 knowledge-based companies are active in the Scientific and Industrial Research Organization of Iran, continued: "Knowledge-based groups active in the field of nanotechnology are part of companies active in the niches of this group that link their innovations to the industrial market."

Referring to the fourth place in the country in the production of articles in this field, the head of the Nanotechnology Development Headquarters added: "The country has taken great steps in this field of technology and market development in this field would not happen except by creating an ecology with the presence of private sector investors."

Referring to the doubling of the annual growth of these businesses, the Vice President for Science and Technology said: "These companies experience 100% annual sales growth compared to the previous year, which shows the ability of technology activists in this field."
In this ceremony, by concluding 4 contracts between knowledge-based companies in the field of nanotechnology and industries, the needs of this field were met with the help of Iranian-made products so that the industry does not need the import and exit of currency.

According to these contracts, the development of technical knowledge for the production of type one and type two coldbox resins used in the casting industry between Maan Bespar Knowledge-based Company and Iran Khodro Investment Company, production of knowledge-based products for fire-retardant car accelerator amps under Raizco Holding and Nano Company Arisa Pooshesh, production of casting resins between Kavosh Baspar Resin Arya Knowledge-based Company and Malibel Saipa Company, the color of corrosion-resistant coatings for bolts and nuts of the automotive industry was realized between Atlas Coating Protective and Nanofanvar Coating Pars Mandegar.
Report by the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 73171

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