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Today : Wednesday Oct 16 2024
  • Dec 7 2023 - 15:17
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The transformation of the National Elites Foundation into a place for thinking of elites and solving important issues of the country's governance

The Vice President of Science and the head of the National Elites Foundation, emphasizing that this foundation is a place for the gathering and thinking of elites from all walks of life to respond to the most important issues of governance, said: We are also capable in the issue of science and technology production. We must answer the important issues and questions of the country in the field of governance and policy-making with the help of humanities and social sciences.

According to the communication and information center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge Economy, Ruhollah Dehghani, who attended the students of Tarbiat Modarres University on the eve of December 6, Student Day, to answer their questions, demands and concerns, emphasizing the new approach of the National Elites Foundation in looking at the criteria for recognizing the elite, the functions and mechanisms of identifying top talents, said: In the new era, this foundation relies on the use of the capacities of the elites of all walks of life - not only academics - in responding to the most important issues of governance in addition to supporting and Groundwork is necessary for an elite society.

The head of the National Elites Foundation emphasized that identifying, attracting, maintaining and cultivating a talented and elite person requires the adoption of smart mechanisms that are appropriate for this society, and continued: According to the global standard, about one percent of the population of each society is considered among the top talents. According to this calculation, nearly one million people in the country are among the top talented people, but if we want to look a little more strictly and consider one tenth of the population of our society as talented, we have nearly 100 thousand top talented people in the country that previous methods cannot support this community. In the previous approach, the National Elites Foundation acted as a trade union institution, which by separating these people from other parts of the society and distinguishing them, actually did the biggest mistake and the highest oppression to these people, because on the one hand, from the specific point of view of the other parts of the society, It was created for these people and on the other hand, it was the basis for the formation of demands in a certain stratum and making a significant part of the elite society incapable of receiving these supports.

Emphasizing that we should correct the current view of the function and mission of the elite foundation, he added: instead of considering the foundation as an institution dependent on the government, which is supposed to provide support to a certain group called the elite, the foundation should be considered a rising institution. Let's see elites from all walks of life who are willing and able to convey the right words and effective solutions of elites to different parts of government from policymaking to implementation in the form of efficient systems and structures.

Referring to the change in the regulations and the approach of the foundation for four months ago, he said: In the form of this new look, the National Elites Foundation will become a hangout and a club of elites so that we can witness the impact of elites from different sections of society on the most important issues of the country.

  • News group : NEWS,Notes,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 94934

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