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Exploitation of 5 national master plans and knowledge-based; Sattari: We have the technical knowledge to design a subway car; In September of this year, vaccination will be carried out with the Iranian flu vaccine

Five National and Knowledge-based Plans in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology were put into operation in the presence of President Hojjatoleslam Hassan Rouhani and Vice President of Science and Technology.

This program was carried out simultaneously with the 61st week of the national scan of prudence and hope for production boosting in Alborz, Tehran and Qazvin provinces through video conferencing.

The Plans includes launching the production line of the Euro 6 low-consumption three-cylinder engine, the National Propulsion Laboratory, inaugurating the production plan of a seven-wagon subway train ram, unveiling the Sharif University innovation area, inaugurating the seasonal (human) flu vaccine production project and inaugurating the production line of five bio products.

Three thousand and 462 billion tomans have been invested in these projects, which will create employment for seven thousand and 595 people.

 "The development of knowledge-based and creative companies is the greatest achievement of the knowledge-based economy," said Vice President of Science and Technology, Sorena Sattari, at the ceremony. There are now companies active in the field of technology that have invested heavily. Nothing in the knowledge economy is based on the creation of the hour. From the manpower studying in the university centers until the start-up of the company.

The Vice President of Science and Technology continued: "Today, companies are still present at the event that have spent a lot of money on their research and development, and have become entrepreneurs and developed technology."

  Sattari stated that there is a big difference between investing in a project and investing in the public sector. He stated: For example, in the field of biotechnology, we have powerful knowledge-based companies; One of the companies spent 400 billion tomans on its research and development sector last year. Certainly, if the government had spent 4,000 billion tomans, it would not have been able to achieve the results that this company achieved.

In the next part of his speech, the head of the National Elites Foundation referred to the 5 projects inaugurated at the ceremony and said: "The first project is the seasonal human flu vaccine." The uterine cancer vaccine was unveiled at a previous event where I announced the unveiling of the flu vaccine. The same company has produced this vaccine and plans to produce 3 more human vaccines. With this measure, vaccination with the Iranian flu vaccine will be carried out from September.

The Vice President of Science and Technology also said that the next major project is the production of a seven-car subway train ram. Previously, the internalization measure in this area was 26%. But with this 18-month project, 7 subway cars will be unveiled today. 18 knowledge-based companies and 3 university jihad groups, Mapna Company and Tehran Wagon Manufacturing cooperated in this project.

According to him, with this measure, the rate of internalization in the field of technical knowledge has been developed and has reached about 85%. The internalization of this sample reached more than 75% and in mass production this number will reach more than 80%. So now we have the technical knowledge to design a subway car. Tehran Municipality has contracted 105 wagons, which will be approximately 15 Ram trains.

Sattari spoke about the next plan, the launch of a production line for the low-consumption three-cylinder Euro 6 engine: This plan was opened with the agreement of JCPOA. After the disruption that Trump caused in JCPOA, but this plan continued. With this, we have a production line that produces up to 500,000 engines per year, and 10 different types of engines are produced in each shift. It is the largest investment in the automotive industry in the last 15 years. The first phase will be operational today.

The Vice President of Science and Technology added: At the same time, one of the largest engine testing centers will be set up at the University of Tehran. More than 200 billion tomans have been invested in the private sector for the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology,and the University of Tehran. It performs all tests from diesel to electric vehicle and formed a strong collaboration between the university and industry.

He also said about Sharif Innovation Area: more than 500 companies are present in this innovation area. Their sales are more than 2 thousand billion tomans. It is a wonderful model of urban innovation and development. This would not have happened without the cooperation of the municipality. A move that accelerates the path of Tehran towards the smart city.

 The Vice President of Science and Technology said: "The first aquatic vaccine will be unveiled today, and the remarkable point is that its CEO is a lady." The number of women in knowledge-based companies at the managerial level has reached more than 15% and the number of women working in companies has reached more than 35%.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 73715

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