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Expansion of scientific and technological relations between Iran and Afghanistan; Sattari: Language and cultural background is a capacity for the development of the innovation ecosystem between the two countries

The development of a joint innovation and technology ecosystem between Iran and Afghanistan was reviewed and the necessary grounds were provided for the beginning of the process of cooperation.

 The second meeting of Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, and Abdul Zahir Shakib, President of the Afghan Academy of Sciences, was held to review the development of the joint innovation ecosystem of the two countries. In this meeting, the axes and topics for the formation of cooperation and interaction on technology based on the memorandum were discussed and exchanged views.

The most important goal of this bilateral memorandum of understanding between the Vice President for Science and Technology and the Afghan Academy of Sciences, which is in its final stage, is to develop scientific and technological cooperation, transfer experience and infrastructure, and provide development assistance in the field of science and technology.



 In this meeting, the Vice President of Science and Technology called the inclusion of the Persian language in cyberspace and the increasing influence of this language an opportunity for technological progress and added: the Persian language is the ninth language of the Internet that has significant influence and inclusion concerning the global population. Is. Even now, Persian-language startups are among the best in the webspace, and this language can be a common ground for cooperation between the two countries for the prosperity of knowledge-based and creative companies.

  Referring to the creation of a joint innovation ecosystem between Iran and Afghanistan, Sattari said: "The successful models and models that were implemented in the prosperity of Iran's innovation ecosystem, based on a cooperation, can be generalized and developed in Afghanistan."

The head of the National Elites Foundation, emphasizing the creation of a joint science and technology park between Iran and Afghanistan as a new chapter between the technological cooperation between the two countries, said: Knowledge-based company and thousands of creative and innovative companies.


 Continuing the meeting, Abdul Zahir Shakib, President of the Afghan Academy of Sciences, referring to the capacities of scientific cooperation between the two countries, said: "The Afghan Academy of Sciences is ready to benefit from Iran's scientific experiences." In this regard, the readiness of the Vice President for Science and Technology is valuable and we will continue this cooperation to develop the interaction between the scientific centers of the two countries.

 He also considered the existence of many common historical and cultural chapters between Iran and Afghanistan as a basis for scientific and technological cooperation and said: "These two countries have deep and rich interaction in various fields and by using common language tools, we can establish scientific and technological relations between the two countries." Expand.

 Report by the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 72887

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