  • Dec 20 2018 - 14:36
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Hamidzadeh Expressed:

“Participation of Women” is the main topic of development of a knowledge-based economy

“Participation of Women” is the main topic of development of a knowledge-based economy

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Zeynab Hamidzadeh, the national presenter of the project for creating the market of energy and environment optimization, pointed out the role of women in the development of knowledge-based economy during the Budapest World Energy Summit (BEST 2018), stating: the key role of women’s participation in various political, economic, and cultural areas must be focused as one of the most important indicators of sustainable development.

Active Role of “Women” in Knowledge-based Companies and Startups

Hamidzadeh mentioned the highlighted and active role of women in creating knowledge-based businesses and startups, expressing: more than 70 startups and 370 knowledge-based companies have been founded and managed by women. Therefore, it seems that the participation of women in this field continues to grow.

The national presenter of the project for creating the market of energy and environment optimization pointed out the design of women empowering policies in new and knowledge-based businesses by the government as one of the effective measures taken to facilitate the knowledge-based and startup activities of women.

She added: many Iranian women have eliminated the barriers and have a permanent impact on the startup and technology community of Iran by having key roles in the innovation ecosystem of Iran, such as founder, CEO, investor, and mentor.

Advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs in women’s affairs, she mentioned the lack growth of technology in the country without considering the participation of women, declaring: Iran’s government has paid attention to the increased role of technological women in various fields of technology. In this regard, the government has welcomed cooperation with other countries in various forms, including the exchange of experiences, investment, and technology transfer.

Hamidzadeh also emphasized the importance of women empowering in establishing businesses and investment instead of recruitment, asserting: in the field of energy industries, the unique capacities of Iranian expert women to solve complex and multifaceted issues, their positive attitude toward innovation and their sensitivity to environmental issues are valuable assets to be used.

She also talked about the necessity of developing knowledge-based projects concerning the reducing of greenhouse gas production in Iran, expressing: Iran is among the top 10 countries in terms of greenhouse gas production. Implementation of studies to reduce the emission and decrease of the costs to have a carbon-free economy is of great importance.

Determination of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs to Have a Green Economy

Hamidzadeh pointed out the project of creating the market for energy and environment optimization by the Vice-Presidency.

She also affirmed: the white license is prepared by energy services companies, which will be exported by the regulatory body of the market and will be tradable in the market after evaluation and confirmation.

Passing Resource-based Economy and Moving toward Knowledge-based Economy in Iran

Pointing out the ability of Iran to move from a resource-based economy to a knowledge-based economy in recent years, she stated: Iran has the highest total of proven oil and gas reserves in the world and is on the list of the top ten oil-producing countries and the first five gas producing countries.

Hamidzadeh regarded the development of knowledge-based businesses a strategy to improve the position of entrepreneurial youth in the innovation and technology ecosystem of Iran and increased the role of these individuals in economic growth of the country.

She also explained the improvement of domestic startups.

The Key Role of Knowledge-based Companies and Startups in Reduction of Greenhouse Gases

Hamidzadeh mentioned the commitment of Iran to reducing the emission of greenhouse gases based on Paris Agreement, expressing: Iran is committed to reduce 4% of emission of greenhouse gases up to 2030, which can voluntarily increase to 12%. This will be possible through the creation of private energy services companies and startups on energy efficiency optimization and the development of renewable energy technologies.

She considered the development of technology and innovation centers as one of the effective tools and strategies in this field, affirming: one of the centers created and managed by the youth, especially women, in the field of energy is the Center for Water, Environment and Energy Innovation and Technology (AMA) established with the goals of dynamism, empowering and using the graduates and elites of the country and develop knowledge-based businesses in the field of clean technologies. 

According to Hamidzadeh, this center is created in three sections of promotion, education and empowering, development and commercialization of products, and facilitating innovative projects, as well as finding the industrial barriers and challenges.

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