  • Sep 5 2017 - 18:18
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  • Study time : 10 minute(s)
Sattari on the Annual Meeting of Pardis Technology Park of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs;

We will be successful when a significant part of our research is conducted by the private sector.

We will be successful when a significant part of our research is conducted by the private sector.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Sorena Sattari regarded creative and efficient human resource as the most important necessity for passing from resource-based economy toward knowledge-based economy on the 15th round of the annual meeting and festival of the bests of Pardis technology park, stating: turning scientific and technological abilities to economy requires the creation of a suitable ecosystem for maintaining and using the significant capacity of human resources.

Head of Iran national elites foundation pointed out that the path of preservation and retention of top talents and young elites of the country will be paved by changing the intellectual and cultural approach of the society to establish an appropriate environment for activities.

According to the vice president for science and technology affairs, the most important factor for flourishing the talents and innovation of the educated youth is creating an environment for emergence of creativity and self-confident.

There Are Misleading Interpretations of the Research in Our Society

Emphasizing on the importance of changing the public attitude toward research and participation of the private sector in this area, Sattari asserted: there are some misleading concepts about research. We need to know that the output of a research, which is supported by the government, is not for people and could not be entered into the competitive market. Similarly, universities that are managed by government budget train individuals who will have desk jobs in the future with no creativity or innovation.

Head of Iran national elites foundation emphasized: we will be successful only when a significant part of our research is carried out by the private sector.

Our Youth Will Soon Establish the Largest Technological Companies of the World

The vice president for science and technology affairs expressed: today, we have witnessed the growth of cyberspace, biotechnology and nanotechnology companies. Without a doubt, our youth will soon own the largest companies of the world.

Head of Iran national elites foundation conveyed: all of the positive events that occurred in the past four years, including new orientation of the economy of the country and investors, enter of new concepts in the country, startups, science and technology parks, and valuing entrepreneurs, have been considerable.

Head of board of trustees of national science foundation pointed out that being recruited by government organizations is not a value anymore. In this regard, he asserted: those who think of committing suicide should think about being employed since thinking and entrepreneurial culture exist everywhere. Young individuals do not study to be employed by an organization, but rather to be entrepreneurs and create the basis of the economy. Youth of the world want to increase the added values of their societies.

Sattari mentioned the support of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs for development of entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem, stating: this path will be seriously followed up in the 12th government, one of the signs of which is presence of the minister of foreign affairs in this event.

Ability of Iran in the Area of Science and Technology of the Islamic World Is Significant

The president of board of trustees of Iran national science foundation expressed that the ability of Iran in the area of advanced technologies has led to the creation and provision of knowledge-based products and services on an international level. He added: Iran has a significant power in the science and technology area, and we have to be able to use this ability to export knowledge-based products.

Head of Iran national elites foundation expressed his hope about the realization of an innovative and entrepreneurial ecosystem for activities of new businesses by relying on the creativity of top talents, which will result in significant increase of added value.

During the event, the top companies of Pardis technology park were awarded in the presence of Javad Zarif, minister of foreign affairs, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, and Mahdi Safarinia, head of Pardis technology park. In addition, the minster of foreign affairs along with his deputies and Sorena Sattari visited the permanent exhibition of technological products of the park and some of the knowledge-based companies.

Selected Companies of the Festival of the Bests of Pardis Technology Park

In total, six companies were introduced and awarded as the top companies located at Pardis technology parks. These companies have products to present in the market, and some of them even export products.

The awarded companies in this event were Nazanin Ide Pasargad, electronic commerce company of eFarda, Sana Bargh Tavan, Danesh Andish Rana, Farateyf Pouya, and Ideh Kavan.

The 15th round of the annual meeting and festival of the bests of Pardis technology park was held in the presence of Javad Zarif, minister of foreign affairs, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, Abbas Araghchi, deputy of legal and international affairs of the ministry of foreign affairs, Majid Takhtravanchi, deputy of Europe and America of the ministry of foreign affairs, Sadegh Hossein Jabari Ansari, deputy of Arabic and African countries of the ministry of foreign affairs, Hassan Ghashghavi, deputy consulate, parliamentary affairs and Iranians, Morteza Sarmadi, special assistant of minister of foreign affairs, Ali Morteza birang, deputy for international affairs and technological exchange, Mahdi Safarnia, head of Pardis technology park, Parviz Karami, deputy of knowledge-based science, technology and economy development headquarter, Seyed Ali Akramifar, head of center for technology and innovation cooperation, Saeed Sarkar, secretary of nanotechnology development headquarter, and Hamidreza Amirinia, CEO of Barekat company.

In addition, Safarinia, head of Pardis technology park, provided a report on achievements of the previous year of the park.Sorena Sattari regarded creative and efficient human resource as the most important necessity for passing from resource-based economy toward knowledge-based economy on the 15th round of the annual meeting and festival of the bests of Pardis technology park, stating: turning scientific and technological abilities to economy requires the creation of a suitable ecosystem for maintaining and using the significant capacity of human resources.

Head of Iran national elites foundation pointed out that the path of preservation and retention of top talents and young elites of the country will be paved by changing the intellectual and cultural approach of the society to establish an appropriate environment for activities.

According to the vice president for science and technology affairs, the most important factor for flourishing the talents and innovation of the educated youth is creating an environment for emergence of creativity and self-confident.

There Are Misleading Interpretations of the Research in Our Society

Emphasizing on the importance of changing the public attitude toward research and participation of the private sector in this area, Sattari asserted: there are some misleading concepts about research. We need to know that the output of a research, which is supported by the government, is not for people and could not be entered into the competitive market. Similarly, universities that are managed by government budget train individuals who will have desk jobs in the future with no creativity or innovation.

Head of Iran national elites foundation emphasized: we will be successful only when a significant part of our research is carried out by the private sector.

Our Youth Will Soon Establish the Largest Technological Companies of the World

The vice president for science and technology affairs expressed: today, we have witnessed the growth of cyberspace, biotechnology and nanotechnology companies. Without a doubt, our youth will soon own the largest companies of the world.

Head of Iran national elites foundation conveyed: all of the positive events that occurred in the past four years, including new orientation of the economy of the country and investors, enter of new concepts in the country, startups, science and technology parks, and valuing entrepreneurs, have been considerable.

Head of board of trustees of national science foundation pointed out that being recruited by government organizations is not a value anymore. In this regard, he asserted: those who think of committing suicide should think about being employed since thinking and entrepreneurial culture exist everywhere. Young individuals do not study to be employed by an organization, but rather to be entrepreneurs and create the basis of the economy. Youth of the world want to increase the added values of their societies.

Sattari mentioned the support of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs for development of entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem, stating: this path will be seriously followed up in the 12th government, one of the signs of which is presence of the minister of foreign affairs in this event.

Ability of Iran in the Area of Science and Technology of the Islamic World Is Significant

The president of board of trustees of Iran national science foundation expressed that the ability of Iran in the area of advanced technologies has led to the creation and provision of knowledge-based products and services on an international level. He added: Iran has a significant power in the science and technology area, and we have to be able to use this ability to export knowledge-based products.

Head of Iran national elites foundation expressed his hope about the realization of an innovative and entrepreneurial ecosystem for activities of new businesses by relying on the creativity of top talents, which will result in significant increase of added value.

During the event, the top companies of Pardis technology park were awarded in the presence of Javad Zarif, minister of foreign affairs, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, and Mahdi Safarinia, head of Pardis technology park. In addition, the minster of foreign affairs along with his deputies and Sorena Sattari visited the permanent exhibition of technological products of the park and some of the knowledge-based companies.

Selected Companies of the Festival of the Bests of Pardis Technology Park

In total, six companies were introduced and awarded as the top companies located at Pardis technology parks. These companies have products to present in the market, and some of them even export products.

The awarded companies in this event were Nazanin Ide Pasargad, electronic commerce company of eFarda, Sana Bargh Tavan, Danesh Andish Rana, Farateyf Pouya, and Ideh Kavan.

The 15th round of the annual meeting and festival of the bests of Pardis technology park was held in the presence of Javad Zarif, minister of foreign affairs, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, Abbas Araghchi, deputy of legal and international affairs of the ministry of foreign affairs, Majid Takhtravanchi, deputy of Europe and America of the ministry of foreign affairs, Sadegh Hossein Jabari Ansari, deputy of Arabic and African countries of the ministry of foreign affairs, Hassan Ghashghavi, deputy consulate, parliamentary affairs and Iranians, Morteza Sarmadi, special assistant of minister of foreign affairs, Ali Morteza birang, deputy for international affairs and technological exchange, Mahdi Safarnia, head of Pardis technology park, Parviz Karami, deputy of knowledge-based science, technology and economy development headquarter, Seyed Ali Akramifar, head of center for technology and innovation cooperation, Saeed Sarkar, secretary of nanotechnology development headquarter, and Hamidreza Amirinia, CEO of Barekat company.


In addition, Safarinia, head of Pardis technology park, provided a report on achievements of the previous year of the park.

  • News group : NEWS
  • News code : 27140


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