  • Jun 13 2022 - 00:25
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Venezuelan President visits Science Pardis Technology Park for the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology; Maduro: We use Iran's experiences and capabilities in the field of knowledge and technology development

The President of Venezuela, accompanied by the Vice President of Science and Technology, visited the Pardis Technology Park for the Vice President of Science and Technology.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and accompanying delegation including Minister of Science and Technology, Gabriela Cervilia Jimenez and Venezuelan Minister of Agriculture Wilmar Castro Soteldo, accompanied by Vice President of Science and Technology, Sorena Sattari, visited knowledge-based and creative companies located in the campus technology park. He was closely involved in the production and production of Iranian-based products and manufacturing to provide the basis for the entry of Iranian products, manufacturing and services of these companies into the Venezuelan market.

The President of the Republic of Venezuela, stating that technological cooperation between the two countries is developing in the form of science and technology parks and knowledge-based companies, continued: "Iran has made significant progress in the field of technology and has achieved significant products in this field."

Referring to the inspiration of Iran's capabilities in this field, she said: "We are inspired by you in the field of creating and developing technology parks and we are very interested to do this in Venezuela with your help, support and encouragement."

Visiting Made in Iran products by knowledge-based companies

In the first part of the visit, the capabilities of Aria Teb Firouz Knowledge-based Company were introduced to the President of Venezuela and his entourage. This knowledge-based company operates in the field of medical equipment production and hemodialysis production line, and has exported its Iranian-made products to various countries.

Also, the technology activists of the Bio-Fermentation Knowledge-based Company presented their products and achievements to the President of Venezuela and the Vice President of Science and Technology of our country.

One of the most important achievements of Bio-fermentation Knowledge-based company is in the field of probiotics and this company has been able to commercialize a diverse range of vitamin products and probiotic products with a technological method.

Visiting the infrastructure and facilities of Pars Online Company, which operates in the field of information and communication technology, was another part of today's program of Maduro and her companions in Pardis Technology Park.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 84462

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