  • Jul 28 2020 - 16:23
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Unveiling the Yearly Migration Outlook of Iran; Sattari: A Clear and Documented Picture of Iran's Immigration Situation Is Provided

The vice president for science and technology affairs expressed on the ceremony to unveil the first “yearly migration outlook” of Iran, stating: the dual criteria existing about the migration status of Iran is a damage to the country. With the publication of the “yearly migration outlook” of Iran, we have provided a clear and comprehensive image of the issue to the audience.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, the “yearly migration outlook” of Iran was unveiled this morning. This book contains actual criteria and statistics about migration in Iran.

The vice president for science and technology affairs considered the publication of the first yearly migration outlook of Iran as a step toward presenting a clear and documented image of the migration status of Iran. In this regard, he added: this step was taken for the first time to fill the gap in this area and provide information based on the existing capacities.


Sattari considered the existence of misinformation about migration of Iranians and the necessity of showing the reality in this area as one of the motives for developing the first yearly migration outlook of Iran.

He continued: beliefs and speculations that introduced Iran as the first immigrant country with the highest emigration rates of elites and students, mostly without any documents. This statistic, of course, was attributed to the International Monetary Fund, for which there is no such external report.

The vice president for science and technology affairs reminded the existence of dual standards in assessment of the migration status of Iran as a damage to the country, affirming: at the beginning of the revolution, out of a total of 270,000 Iranian students, 100,000 were students abroad, of which 50,000 were in the United States. But now, out of a total of 4,700,000 Iranian students, we have 48,000 students abroad, of whom only 12,000 study in the United States, and this shows that Iran is no longer one of the world's immigrant countries.

The president of the national elites foundation mentioned that more attention must be paid to strategies to attract and retain elites, asserting: accordingly, the Vice-Presidency has focused on the policies of attracting non-resident Iranian elites and graduates.

Sattari continued: these policies are implemented to attract elite Iranians and top non-resident talents, to participate in research and entrepreneurship activities in the form of material and spiritual support. The Vice-Presidency supports the presence of these people in research institutions, universities, knowledge-based companies and the innovation ecosystem of the country, which has had a positive impact on the growth of knowledge-based economy in the country.

Return of more than 1700 Elites

The president of the national elites foundation mentioned the implementation of the policies to attract and retain elites, asserting: more than 1,700 non-resident Iranian students have returned to the country and are playing a role in the country's innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem in universities, research centers and knowledge-based companies.

Pointing out the return of elites from the best research centers and universities of the world to the country, Sattari claimed: this shows the success of elite recruitment policies in recent years. Also, by the end of this year, 800 to 1000 Iranian graduates will return to the world's top universities.

Effective Dealing with Corona and Health Improvement in the Country

The vice president for science and technology affairs talked about the serious step taken by knowledge-based companies toward the production of advanced products to deal with corona, asserting: fortunately, all the required items in the field of dealing with the Iranian corona have been made and there is no need to import in this field. Moreover, most of the drugs that have recently been included in the list of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Health and Medical Education are produced by these companies and within the country.

Sattari also mentioned the activities of knowledge-based companies of Iran returned to the country in the production of medical equipment and medicine, stating: especially in the field of corona, the studies and researches of these companies had good progress that came to the aid of the country's health system.

A Comprehensive Package of Iranian Immigration Policy Is Published

In another part of the ceremony, Parviz Karami, the president of the knowledge-based publications, expressed: unveiling the first yearly migration outlook of Iran is a valuable step toward introducing the position, capacities and opportunities of our country in the migration field.

Karami mentioned the weaknesses and strengths of the book, adding: the outlook focuses on all migration areas and introduces its specific methodology and structure in various chapters. Other information provided in the book includes accurate information about the population of non-resident Iranians, displacement of students, work migration, internal resource-based forced migration-asylum information, and international reference reports for executives and researchers.

He also marked: the book is published with the support of the Vice-Presidency and a group of researchers, beneficiaries, and activists in the field of international migrations, and the migration observatory of Iran. It is decided to publish the book yearly in both Farsi and English languages and both online and written forms.

Unveiling the Comprehensive Migration Political Package

Karami also announced the preparation of a comprehensive migration and political package in the next month in Iran, adding: with this comprehensive policy package, our country will have a roadmap for policy makers and planners in various powers and institutions.

Investigating the Role of Corona in International Migration

The advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs announced the publication of the report of “investing the role of corona in international migration”, adding: the report will be published until the next week. This movement analyzes the effect of corona on the level of international migrations.

Karami added: Iran Immigration website provides online and up-to-date reports of this yearbook and other scientific findings and studies in this field.

According to the report, the first yearly migration outlook of Iran was published with the support of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs by the efforts of the science and technology policy-making research institution and the migration observatory of Iran.

Published by the knowledge-based publications, the latest statistics and information on migration are provided to the audience.

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