  • Oct 13 2020 - 14:57
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Unveiling the National Building Energy Information Monitoring System; Sattari: Knowledge-based Companies and Startups Have Optimized Energy Use

The national building energy information monitoring system was unveiled in the presence of Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs. A system that has been implemented with the help of technology activists of a knowledge-based company and is supposed to optimize energy consumption in buildings and conserve the country's resources.

During the ceremony, Sattari mentioned that energy optimization in buildings should become a public culture, adding: we need to turn energy optimization into a virtual capacity for the private sector to come to the fore and invest in innovations in this area.

Pointing out the role of knowledge-based companies and active startups in the area of energy optimization, Sattari affirmed: these businesses are innovative in nature and play an effective role in promoting a culture of energy efficiency. Therefore, ecosystems must be created to enter this field. If the economy of this process is formed by facilitating the environment of turning ideas into business, we will see a change in creating added value and employment while preserving valuable energy resources.

The Necessity of Creating Incentives

Sattari talked about the Vice-Presidency’s preparedness for the implementation of innovative ideas in the field of energy optimization, especially in buildings, asserting: adherence to these standards requires support and incentives, which are supported by the Vice-Presidency. We are prepared to support the entrance of knowledge-based companies and startups in the field of building energy optimization.

Pointing out the high use of energy optimization, Sattari marked: not only energy economics, but also the fields of technology and services have played a role in this cycle. The added value and revenue of this field is so attractive and competitive that it can pave the way for the formation of a wide range of startups in the building energy sector.

Mohammad Eslami, the minister of road and urbanization, considered the optimization of energy consumption in the country as one of the important priorities of the general laws and policies of the system, especially in the Sixth Development Plan during the ceremony to unveil the national building energy information monitoring system at the location of housing, road and urban development research center.

During the ceremony, Pirouz Hanachi, the mayor of Tehran, continued: the discussion of electrifying two-wheeled engines, electrifying buses in Tehran, as well as developing sidewalks and bicycles are among the programs that we are pursuing with the support and support of the Vice President for Science and Technology.

Moreover, Claudio Providas, Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Program, pointed out the valuable steps taken in Iran in the field of energy and environment, stating that these steps have been taken regardless of the sanctions against this country. In this regard, the United Nations Development Program also supports the implementation of projects such as the building energy monitoring system.

The representative of the United Nations Development Program in Iran said that the development of technologies in the field of energy and environment using Iran's technological capacities is smooth: "The implementation of this project is an effective step to protect the environment and reduce energy consumption." This leadership project seeks to create energy and economy while helping to reduce energy consumption and waste.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 70605

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