  • Jun 3 2021 - 12:08
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Two creative and innovation houses will be set up in Hamedan and Malayer; Karami: Creating a creative economy along with a knowledge-based economy is essential

During the visit of the Secretary of the Culture and Knowledge-Based Economy and Soft and Creative Industries Headquarters in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, preparations were made for the establishment of innovation and creative houses in Hamedan and Malayer.

Parviz Karami, Secretary of the Culture and Knowledge-Based Economy and Soft and Creative Industries Headquarters in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, traveled to Hamedan province with the aim of strengthening the ecology of creative companies, cultural industries and supporting the development of local soft technologies capacities. Hamedan was provided at the endowment of the late Qara Gozlu and also the creation of a creative and innovation house in the city of Malayer located in the endowment of the late Saad al-Dowleh.

 Considering the follow-up of last year's ambassadorial approvals of Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, and her favorable promise to set up these houses in Hamedan province, and also considering that Hamedan is a bed of cultural industries, animation, medicinal plants and valuable antiquities and traditional arts. It is considered as one of the tourism hubs of our country and has a strong history in history, civilization and culture. It can become a zone for transition from resource-based economy by relying on local heritage and the field of culture and art, including creative and cultural industries.

Meeting with Ayatollah Shabani, representative of the Supreme Leader and Friday prayer leader of Hamedan, meeting with Sardar Majidi, commander of the Hamedan Corps, and Hojjatoleslam Dr. Fallahi, representative of the Hamedan in the Islamic Consultative Assembly, and meeting with knowledge-based and creative companies in the Hamedan Science and Technology Park were other parts of Parviz Karami’s trip to Hamadan province.

Another part of the one-day trip of the Advisor to the Vice President of Science and Technology was to attend a meeting to review the infrastructure development of knowledge-based companies and creative industries in Malayer city with the presence of provincial and Malayer city officials, who introduced the provincial and Malayer city capabilities within 3 months. The future of the house of creativity and innovation in this city and in the place of the endowment of the late Sa'd al-Dawla, one of the great acquaintances of Malayer, will be established. The meeting was attended by Qudratullah Valadi, Deputy Governor and Special Governor of Malayer, Hojjatoleslam Mohammad Baqer, Friday prayer leader of Malayer, Hojjatoleslam Dr. Ahad Azadikhah, representative of Malayer people in the Islamic Consultative Assembly, Khosrow Sayvand, President of Malayer University, Mohammad Azim Khodayari, President of Malayer Islamic Azad University , Mohammad Asgari, in charge of the Technology Units Development Center, and the mayor and a group of Malayer city officials.

 In this meeting, Karami presented a report explaining the capacity and capabilities of the ecology, innovation and technology, entrepreneurial, creative and wealth-building capacity.


Continuing his one-day trip by attending a gathering of administrators and presidents of Malayer universities, he pointed to the need to create a creative economy alongside a knowledge-based economy and said: "Universities are an important part of the innovation and technology ecosystem that can with a high capacity of graduates." The humanities, with more than 50 percent of all graduates, play a significant role in the prosperity of the creative and cultural economy.

 Adviser to the Vice President of Science and Technology, stating that creative companies and soft industries can be the basis of authority and prosperity of the country's economy and employment, along with knowledge-based companies, added: And now nearly 6,000 knowledge-based companies and 1,200 creative companies across the country have created employment for 300,000 people.

 Secretary of the Culture and Knowledge-Based Economy and Soft and Creative Industries Headquarters in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, referring to the need to introduce innovation and use technology to all cultural industries and traditional indigenous arts to preserve and revive these arts, continued: In order to bring indigenous and traditional arts to the economy and Turning employment must create a platform and opportunity for innovation to enter these valuable industries. The inlaid heart of the world beats in Malayer and its second world product; Grapes are world famous and are among the indigenous advantages of this province. Malayer woodcarving is the best in the world, but if we create the capacity for innovative and knowledgeable young people to enter the industry, it will be possible for the industry to survive and develop.

Karami pointed to the global potential of Malayer city to become a creative city and noted: "We hope to create a creative house in one of the endowment places of the city and open it within the next three months."

 Emphasizing that art and culture are not costly but wealth-creating and employment-creating, Parviz Karami said: "We hope that by providing the necessary infrastructure and the cooperation of provincial and city managers, a place to turn the ideas of many Malayeri students and students into products." , create.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

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