  • May 31 2023 - 15:43
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The start of joint cooperation between Sharif University and Ghadir Investment; Development of large university-industry collaborations

The Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, Sharif University of Technology and Ghadir Investment Company signed a cooperation agreement with the aim of developing the ecosystem of innovation and technology.

In line with the development of the ecosystem of innovation and technology, a cooperation agreement was concluded between the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, Sharif University of Technology and Ghadir Investment Company.

In the signing ceremony of this joint cooperation agreement, Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, referring to the readiness of this Vice-Presidency to host and support industry and university agreements on a large scale, said: We believe that big agreements require time and energy. Focusing on small agreements is also time-consuming and costly. Accordingly, we have prioritized the formation of large agreements, so that the vice presidency of science has placed a major part of his focus and general policy on the formation of large collaborations.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, pointing out that the establishment of large companies that drive the knowledge-based economy is an important and strategic policy in the current term of the vice presidency of science, added: this tripartite cooperation is also a type of large-scale cooperation and is specially supported by the vice presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy.

Dehghani, referring to the fact that two big and well-known brands, one in the field of science and knowledge and the other in the industry, have been connected to each other in order to evolve value chains, said: Sharif University of Technology is a unique brand among universities in the world and maybe as we should and maybe, we don't appreciate this scientific gem, but this university is in the center of attention of the world. The creative and educated human force, each of whom is responsible for the movement of the wheels of development and economy of the country, shows the high importance of this university as a great knowledge capacity.

He added: On the other hand, Ghadir Investment Holding is a powerful group with a unique name, which has a very high dynamic and ability, along with the support side of the vice presidency of science, it can create a special event, and the success of these two groups can be a motivation and a model for others. Collections and encouraging them to form such collaborations. If Ghadir creates great value, it can create a flow and set an example for others, and also contain many fruits and blessings for the people.

The head of the National Elites Foundation emphasized that the infiltration of knowledge and technology into large industries should draw a new form of the economy, adding: moving away from the current situation and improving the economy is an obligatory assumption and the entry of Sharif University and Ghadir Holding into this field. It shows the intelligence of those involved in these two collections. Technology has a very good appearance and results, but achieving the desired results requires practice, patience and foresight. In this direction, the motivations should not fade and the necessary support should be provided in a continuous and stable manner, this requires tact and foresight. The officials of this plan should know that these plans take time, but in the end it will be sweet and fruitful.

A step to develop the ecosystem of technology and innovation

In this agreement, solving industrial problems and developing a need-based approach in research and technological activities are targeted. Also, the development of human resources and knowledge forces, along with supporting the development of knowledge-based companies and meeting their needs, are other axes and approaches of this cooperation agreement. Also, with the aim of making research and technology findings effective and creating value through the development of industry-university interactions, it is one of the other key axes of this tripartite agreement.

Another axis that is among the priorities of this tripartite agreement is the creation of physical infrastructure for the development of the innovation ecosystem.

but facilitating financing and investment in technological companies; 8-1- Participating in the definition and support of national technology and innovation projects, as well as participating in the commercialization of knowledge-based projects, are other axes of this agreement.

This agreement is supposed to take a step in the direction of technology development and innovation in the industry with the cooperation of the three parties while supporting the completion, development and patenting of patents, valuation of technology and creative and technological companies and holding joint innovation events.

The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, in this direction, has committed to create an environment for the use of the material and spiritual capacities of this Vice-Presidency, and to take steps in the direction of facilitating the use of the Knowledge-Based Production Leap Law for the best possible implementation of the aforementioned goals.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy


  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 91296

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