The Director of International Business Development in the Vice-Presidency of Science and Technology announced;
The presence of Iran Mercantile Exchange in the Fourth Exhibition of Laboratory Equipment, Created by Iran
The presence of Iran Mercantile Exchange in the Fourth Exhibition of Laboratory Equipment, Created by Iran

The Center of Public Relations and Information of the Vice-Presidency of Science and Technology reports: According to Roohollah Stiri, the Director of International Business Development in the Vice-Presidency of Science and Technology, regarding the fluctuations in the market of knowledge-based products, to stimulate the demands, create stability, and decrease the national and international transactions risk, the cooperation between the Vice-Presidency of Science and Technology reports and Iran Mercantile Exchange will be established very soon.
He also said: “Along with this mutual cooperation, Iran Mercantile Exchange will hold some workshops, with such topics as “the introduction to the transactions mechanism” and “new financial tools in Iran Mercantile Exchange”, in the sideline of the Fourth Exhibition of Laboratory Equipment, "Made In Iran" in order to introduce the knowledge-based companies with the capacities and advantages of buying and selling in the context of mercantile exchange.”
Stiri added: “Also, the mercantile exchange booth, number 20, in the second floor of Persian Gulf Hall is ready for giving information to those interested in doing transactions in the context of mercantile exchange, through the main and auxiliary salons and, also, the export ring.”
The Director of International Business Development in the Vice-Presidency of Science and Technology continued: “Among the different advantages of doing transactions in Iran Mercantile Exchange, one can refer to the market development, through marketing by reliable stock brokers, full insurance about the correct execution of transactions, leaving the formalities of public companies, in case of presenting the products through mercantile exchange and financing the contracts.”
It should be said that the 4th exhibition of Laboratorial Materials and Equipments Made in Iran will be held by the effort of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs from April 24th to 27th at Tehran international exhibition (Persian Gulf, 40, 41 and Milad Saloons). This exhibition’s information is now accessible via