  • Dec 28 2023 - 20:19
  • 179
  • Study time : 6 minute(s)

The necessity of creating mission-oriented industrial towns

In the third event of the knowledge-based industry, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy talked about the necessity of forming mission-oriented industrial towns to meet the chain of needs for knowledge-based companies.

According to the communication and information center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, the third national knowledge-based industry event focusing on small industries and the technological ecosystem, was held this morning with the presence of Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, Aliabadi, The Minister of Industry, Mining and Trade and a group of activists of knowledge-based companies, managers of medium-sized industries in the conference hall of Eram Hotel.

Dehghani said in this ceremony: Experience has shown that when an issue is repeated and brought up, it becomes a culture and finally, it is implemented. This keyword "Knowledge-based industry" is emphasized by the honorable Minister of Samt and they are strongly committed to its promotion and implementation and is repeated in various events, creating belief and culture, provided that we continue this practice. If the knowledge-based industry event is repeated continuously for one or two years, it will reach the stage of tangible results and valuable outputs.

He stated that the national event of the knowledge-based industry is a gathering place for industrial complexes and various devices to interact and move in the path of progress to achieve a tangible output, and continued: This event is a place to communicate real issues to real customers, real contractors and connect needs. The industry has become the capability of technological and innovative companies. The fourth round of the knowledge-based industry event, which will be held at Pardis Technology Park, will host knowledge-based companies, industrial activists and technologists.

The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy, pointing to the necessity of strategic alliance and cooperation of various institutions and organizations with a focus on knowledge-based economy, said: I do not imagine that in any other period in the history of the Islamic Republic, this level of mutual thinking, synergy and strategic cooperation between the different areas of the Ministry of Samt, the Ministry of Science and the Vice Presidency of Science.


The necessity of developing companies capable of identifying the problem


Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy stated that there are no science and technology parks in the world that are segregated in the way that we have in our country and that science and technology parks are the same as successful industrial cities, and said: In the ecosystem of knowledge, technology, Knowledge-based industry and economy have suffered from a multitude of titles and headlines. Titles such as parks, industrial towns, free zones, special areas, etc. are such concepts. In different countries, a movement has started that although it is good for identities to develop, they also pay serious attention to the content. For example, what is wrong with having industrial towns that, in addition to their advantages, have the advantages of science and technology parks, special commercial zones and free zones and other additional advantages.

Dehghani stated: Although small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are quick-yielding, they also have disadvantages, such as the fact that they may not be able to withstand turbulences, have less room for growth than other companies, and cannot conduct deep research and development.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy stated that the vice presidency of science supports the creation of groups and companies to define the problem, discover and exchange economic opportunities for small and medium industries, and clarified: these companies, by correctly and precisely defining the problem, finding opportunities and defining the desired project helps to increase productivity, increase production and added value of small and medium companies and compile the details of the project or RFP based on a collaborative model.

Stating that one of the biggest challenges is that the owner of the problem is not aware of the problems and issues of his business and cannot define the problem, Dehghani continued: In the country, we do not have a shortage of companies that can solve the problems, but there is a shortage of companies that can solve the problem. identify and define correctly; It is necessary to strengthen these companies, which have solved the problem enough and can now define the problem, with the participation and support of the Ministry of Samt and other institutions.


The necessity of forming mission-oriented settlements

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy stated that small industry cannot create a large economic impact and SME companies with all their advantages cannot create significant transformations and great growths and continued: In fact, it is large companies that transform and create movers. Successful countries in technology and industry have mega-corporations that kill small companies and place these companies in the value chain of industries.

Dehghani considered one of the roots of the lack of formation of huge companies to be cultural and added: that the general approach of our society is such that we tend to have our own company and independent identity, for which we must think of a solution. We need to create large companies or virtual mega-companies that provide us with the characteristics of large companies while maintaining the identity of small and medium-sized companies.

Dehghani stated that the creation of mission-oriented towns can help this issue, and noted: We are creating a pharmaceutical industrial town where several companies are active together and produce medicine. We have defined a pharmaceutical town with a central mission as having a chain of supply of raw materials, production, packaging, marketing, and sales, and in this town, we define the licenses for each of the operators of these sectors so that a knowledge-based company based in this mission-oriented town can supply all its needed parts from the supply of raw materials to marketing, sales, and export without any obstacles and without establishing a factory, from the chain of these companies.

Dehghani stated: The creation of mission-oriented industrial towns with the separation of function and mission can help knowledge-based companies whose assets are only intellectual property so that they can create employment and added value without factories and with the help of the value chain and supply of these towns.


Agreements, cooperation contracts between knowledge-based companies and small industries

In the continuation of this ceremony, cooperation agreements was concluded including the creation of a knowledge-based industrial town and technology with the participation of the private sector, a cooperation agreement between small industries and knowledge-based companies in line with the establishment of a plan to optimize and adjust energy consumption, a cooperation agreement for designing and implementing the distribution of facilities (dispatching) ) and the intelligent management of industrial estates, the memorandum of understanding on the country's model project in the fourth industrial revolution sector and the improvement of software with the participation of knowledge-based companies, the creation of an innovation center and a shoe training school in Tabriz, and the creation of a research and development center with the cooperation of universities and the joint cooperation agreement of the Organization of Small Industries and Deputy of Technology and Innovation in the Ministry of Science.

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 95253




