  • Sep 28 2023 - 10:03
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Dehghani emphasized in the national event of knowledge-based industry

The necessity of allocating large markets of ministries and agencies to knowledge-based companies

With the holding of the first national event of the knowledge-based industry in the presence of the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, the Pishran package was unveiled for knowledge-based industries.

Dehghani emphasized in the national event of knowledge-based industry

The necessity of allocating large markets of ministries and agencies to knowledge-based companies

With the holding of the first national event of the knowledge-based industry in the presence of the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, the Pishran package was unveiled for knowledge-based industries.

According to the communication and information center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, the first national event "Knowledge-Based Industry" was attended by Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, Ehsan Khandozi, Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance, Aliabadi, Minister of Industry, Mining and Trade, Zulfigol, Minister of Science, Research and Technology, Mohammad Sadegh Khayatian, Head of the Innovation and Prosperity Fund, and a group of industry and knowledge-based economy activists.

During his speech at this ceremony, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy emphasized that the current period is the era of wide role of knowledge-based in various fields of people's lives, and continued: more than three decades of the serious emphasis of the country's highest-ranking official on the necessity and importance of dominance and governance of science and technology is over the life affairs of the society. The country's power policy is based on the supremacy of science for more than three decades, which has been continuously, repeatedly and seriously raised by the supreme leader of the revolution, and I don't think that any more serious discourse than this has been continuously and diligently pursued and received by him.

Referring to the evolution of knowledge-based discourse in the country, Dehghani said: In the 2000’s, the discussion of science discourse was seriously raised, and theoretical, ideological and political debates about the role of knowledge and the position of scientific institutions, especially in universities, were seriously formed. took, so that the universities were the place of discussion in this regard. The second period of the knowledge-based economy began in the 2010s with the approval of the law to support knowledge-based institutions. This period can be considered as the beginning of the knowledge-based movement and the approval of the law to support knowledge-based companies was the result of the previous period and the definition of the theoretical foundations and infrastructures of supporting the flow of science, technology and knowledge-based economy.

Referring to the formation of the third stream of knowledge-based economy development in the country with the development and prosperity of physical infrastructure and promoting the discourse, the head of the National Elites Foundation said: As a result of the growth and development of objective and physical infrastructure of the knowledge-based economy such as science and technology parks, growth and innovation centers , accelerators and innovation factories, the flow of knowledge-based companies becomes a dynamic and consistent flow, so that from 55 knowledge-based companies in 2010, today we have reached 9,100 knowledge-based companies.

Dehghani continued: Quantitative growth and very good concentration of knowledge-based companies and other technology development infrastructures, including growth and innovation centers, science and technology parks, innovation factories, co-creation centers, and laboratories, with the approval of the progressive and efficient knowledge-based production leap law. Now it is promising that the field of science, technology and knowledge-based companies can now play an effective and strategic role in the life of the people of the society by entering the economic field; Economy, as the most important pillar of livelihood and the continuation of society's movement, is now the arena for knowledge-based companies to play a role, and industry is the main platform and highway for this role-playing and the presence of knowledge-based companies in the economy and people's lives.

The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy stated: With the clear prospects outlined in the Knowledge-Based Production Leap Law, the unique opportunities that are also considered as models at the global level, have provided the ground for the presence of knowledge-based companies and with this, a good level of coordination between the policy-making and executive bodies of the country is based on the discourse of knowledge-based economy, the realization of knowledge-based economy is expected in a significant way and in the context of society's life.

Dehghani stated that one of the most important priorities and strategies in the Vice Presidency of Science is to play a role in the knowledge-based economy directly in people's lives and to coordinate other institutions to realize this, and continued: Today, the knowledge-based economy has reached a level of consistency and maturity that should observe the impact of knowledge-based economy in transportation, food, health and other areas of their lives. We expect that the role of knowledge, technology and innovation in the level of employment, added value and improving the standard of living of the society will be clearly felt.

Referring to the availability of the necessary preparations and infrastructure for the realization of the role of the knowledge-based economy in the life of the society, including more than 9 thousand knowledge-based companies, he added as a critical element to start this movement: the second pillar necessary for the realization of this can be physical infrastructure and hardware facilities are well provided.

He added: The third pillar, including theoretical and legal infrastructures, has a very good quantity and quality, and the law of knowledge-based production jump is a strong legal point of reference for this ecosystem to achieve the goal of realizing the knowledge-based economy. But the fourth and most important pillar that we must achieve is the creation and allocation of large markets to knowledge-based companies.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, pointing to the necessity of allocating large markets of ministries and agencies, including the Ministry of Security, to knowledge-based companies, added: if the ministries and agencies are willing to provide the market to these knowledge-based companies, we can witness the realization of the knowledge-based economy and through various interactions with devices, we are trying to provide this market to knowledge-based companies.

Dehghani stated: Fortunately, this approach exists in the Ministry of Security, and with the presence of a confident and familiar minister in the field of knowledge-based economy, the hopes for the realization of the market for these companies for the knowledge-based economy are clear and available. Fortunately, today the Ministry of Samt is with knowledge-based companies and our industries are looking for solutions to their concerns and problems in the field of knowledge-based companies.

Emphasizing that investing in any other field does not bring added value, several hundreds of percent profit and multiple employment creation, similar to the knowledge-based economy, and added: Today, the path of connecting the great and strategic needs of industries to innovation and effective solutions of knowledge-based companies is provided. and the efforts of the Vice Presidency of Science are also aimed at creating this communication bridge and creating synergy.

Dehghani considered the definition of the Pishran package including special privileges for the activists of this ecosystem as a step in the direction of facilitating the connection between industries and knowledge-based companies and the development of the market in these companies, and added: Today, the Pishran package for knowledge-based companies is in cooperation with the Vice Presidency of Science, the three Ministries of Samt, Science and Economy and The Innovation and Prosperity Fund provides the basis for facilitating the movement of knowledge-based companies and facilitating investment, capital provision and market allocation to these companies.

Referring to the conclusion of concrete and executive contracts and agreements to realize the strategy of market allocation to knowledge-based companies, Dehghani said: In the framework of this conference, agreements and contracts with specific goals, accurate and transparent figures in total with a market value of at least 15 thousand billion Tomans. It is signed in the form of several contracts with the supply and demand parties of the industry with the participation of the exploiting industry and the centrality of the Vice Presidency of Science, one of the most important of which is the dump truck contract as one of the strategic and important products in the industry.

He continued: The creation of consortia from agriculture, health and other fields is expected, and we hope that our industry will be productive and drive the market. On the other hand, we must create an environment where the establishment of new and emerging knowledge-based companies is attractive for an academic and elite person, and in the form of these companies, while finding their economic identity, they solve the country's problems.


  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 93995

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