  • Oct 10 2019 - 20:05
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On the 12th Nanotechnology Exhibition and with Signing an Agreement between the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs;

The influence of nanotechnology in the oil industry is expanding.

The influence of nanotechnology in the oil industry is expanding.


An agreement was signed between the Vice-Presidency and ministry of oil with the goal of using nanotechnology-based products and services in the field of oil and improving nanotechnology to meet the needs in oil industry.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, an agreement was signed between Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, and Bijan Zanganeh, the minister of oil, to develop the market and use nanotechnology products and services in oil and gas industry.

Along with the start of the 12th nanotechnology exhibition, the mentioned agreement was signed in Persian Gulf Hall to witness the use of nanotechnology in oil field and related products.

The Ministry of Oil"s Efforts to Support the Knowledge-based Companies Are Commendable

Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, expressed on the event: The ministry of oil"s efforts to support knowledge-based companies and startups are commendable. Another step is the launch of the petroleum innovation zone, which will be pursued by the minister. Another measure taken by the launch of the oil innovation zone is followed by the minister.

Sattari continued: with these actions, an ecosystem will be created in the next two years where young creative forces are active. This ecosystem will involve the production of oil companies’ products inside the country. This agreement is signed to witness the flourishing of knowledge-based activities in oil industry.

Booming and Boosting the Ecosystem of Technology and Innovation

Bijan Zanganeh, the minister of oil, pointed out the establishment of Rey ecosystem, asserting: it is also aimed at contributing to the boom in technology and innovation. The startups and knowledge-based companies present at this fair have good activities supported by the ministry of petroleum. 

Zanganeh continued: in general, we continue along this path as we have supported the technological work of researchers. However, we keep this move organized in order to achieve our goals in the form of standard rules.

Pointing out the relatively high demand in oil industry compared to other parts, the minister of oil pointed out: this memorandum shows the interest and commitment of the two entities to develop the application of nanotechnology in the petroleum industry in order to witness the evolution of this industry.

Goals of Agreement

According to the report, the agreement is signed in line with the statements of the supreme leader and government policies based on the flourishing of knowledge-based economy to deal with sanctions and increase occupations for human beings. Some of the goals of the agreement include the use of nanotechnology-based products and services in oil industry, development of nanotechnology to improve the needs in oil industry and helping the development of the market for nano companies.

“Facilitation in entrance of nano companies in list of producers/service providers approved by the ministry of oil”, “developing new contractual models for the use of nanoscience-based knowledge and startup companies" products and services”, “creating specialized laboratory infrastructure for quality certification for nanotechnology-based goods and services”, and “establishing a comprehensive mechanism to meet the technological needs of the Ministry of Petroleum and address needs through nanotechnology-based goods and services”.


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