  • Apr 23 2019 - 12:20
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With the Support of the Medical Plants and Traditional Medicine Technologies Development Headquarter;

The eighth national congress of medical plants will be held

The eighth national congress of medical plants will be held

The eighth national congress of medical plants will be held April 24th-25th, 2019 in Tarbiat Modares University by the national network of medical plants research and technology and with the support of medical plants and traditional medicine technologies development headquarter.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Peyman Salehi, the secretary of the eighth national congress of medical plants, expressed about the congress: this congress has four topics in the area of natural resources and agriculture, including ecology, medical physiology, domestication and reform, biotechnology, agronomy, primary processing after harvest, mechanization and technology of seeds and in the pharmaceutical, medical, medical, medical, pharmaceutical, pharmacological, clinical, and formulation and control aspects.

He also affirmed: in the field of basic sciences, such as botany, photochemistry, genetic biochemistry, biomedical effects and biotechnology, and also in the field of industry and economics, there are also commercial medicinal plants and their products, the production of medicinal plant products, innovation in production, functional products, quality systems, and the production of quality products, and the transfer of technology and the production of plant products.

He also announced receiving 700 articles by the secretary of the congress, stating: after the arbitration, about 500 papers have been accepted at the congress, which are presented as lectures and posters.

Salehi pointed out: foreign guests will be present in the congress from countries such as Germany, Greece, and Poland. In addition, the side exhibition of products of medical plants and natural products will be held along with the congress.

Pointing out that the eighth national congress on medical plants have retest privilege, Salehi conveyed: the congress also holds the ISC"s Citation Center for Islamic Sciences.

  • News group : NEWS
  • News code : 43580


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