  • Jan 11 2017 - 15:30
  • 191
  • Study time : 1 minute(s)
With the aim of development of biotechnology;

The biotechnology development headquarters of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs and organization of small industries and industrial estates will sign a memorandum of understanding.

The biotechnology development headquarters of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs and organization of small industries and industrial estates will sign a memorandum of understanding.

According to the public relations and information center of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs, Morteza Moradi, president of the evaluation and monitoring group of the biotechnology development headquarter of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs, provided a summary of this agreement, stating: in line with the memorandum of cooperation between presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs and the Ministry of Industry and Trade and Mines, and given the purpose of this agreement, which was to create coordination, integration and synergy between different organizations and institutions, a memorandum of understanding was signed by the bio technology development headquarters.

He also added: in order to use the capital and available resources in our country for the development of biotechnology, significant coordination has been observed between presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs and organization of small industries and industrial estates. The framework of this coordination has been developed in the form of a memorandum of understanding, which will be signed by the president of biotechnology development headquarter and deputy minister of industry, mine and trade.

He also expressed: the major topics of this agreement are development of biotechnology in industrial estates and sites and facilitation of activities of knowledge-based companies in the mentioned areas. According to Moradi, efforts to develop knowledge-based biotech clusters, such as medical clusters, efforts for leading the firms located in the industrial settlements and zones toward knowledge-based science and application of experiences and knowledge of both sides for the development of small and knowledge-based industries are some of the other topics of this memorandum of understanding.

president of the evaluation and monitoring group of the biotechnology development headquarter also affirmed:


The conclusion of this agreement will be among some of the effective measures taken to introduce biotechnology to industrial enterprises located in settlements and industrial areas. In addition, it will improve the activities of biotechnology companies.

  • News group : NEWS
  • News code : 20864


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