  • Feb 9 2016 - 20:51
  • 92
  • Study time : 9 minute(s)

The Science and Knowledge-Based Power Age

The Science and Knowledge-Based Power Age

These days coincide the 37th anniversary of the superb victory of the Islamic Revolution. For those who were with the revolution, reminding those fervorful days is plausive. Reviewing memories of demonstrations, slogans, presentiments, epics, hopes and … sweeten every bitter mouth. Specially those last ten days that led to the victory were full of happening and news and accidents to the extent that despite 37 years have passed, you can still extract unheard words, unsaid news and strange and freaky accidents about it.

This decade hasn’t been named “Fajr decade” because of tastefulness and poetic expression but the full meaning of “Fajr” is hidden in these wonderful ten days. Imam’s (RIP) interpretation about this issue is considerable: “Our revolution was explosion of light”. The closer we get to that light center, the more clear and more we see the revolution’s goodnesses and the farther we get from that center, the more divested from its light and niceties we become. Because of this, we should always be measuring our distance from the Islamic Revolution by precise measures. External slogans and demonstrations are important but this distance must be measured intrinsically and spiritually. The more loyal we be to the revolution’s ideals and the more seriously we pursue the anti-arrogance and anti-despotism nature of the revolution, the more benefit we achieve from that light and the more distance we take from these meanings, the more shadow we will be placed in. Shadow, here is nothing but distance from the truth.

The Islamic Revolution occurred in 1979 and to some people, it is a historical age that has been expired. In some other countries in which revolution occurred, they do the same deal with their revolution; they make museum for it, write books formally and ceremonially, celebrate and even cherish their revolutions’ names and write in on streets and alleys, but do they partake of “brotherhood and equality” and that “freedom” and “independency” they had been seeking? Ideals obsolesce and because of being troublesome, they enter museums. We have seen with our eyes that how Marxian ideals became out of favor and headed to museums. Actually, Imam Khomeini pointed out this notion with complete astuteness in a letter to Gorbachev- soviet leader. That’s why he emphasized on briskness of the Islamic Revolution and considered the revolution as a continues and renewable issue.

The Islamic Revolution is not a historical event related to February 1979. Of course its victory happened then but it persists and cites us to accompany it. It’s because of this credit that concepts like revolutionary and anti-revolution are applicable. The Islamic Revolution is alive because of martyrs’ blood and thanks to the almighty God and since it is being led wisely and intelligently and by honesty and intention purity, so many are revolutionary and minority are anti-revolution. However, these concepts are renewable like the Islamic Revolution itself and they get new application continuously.

Guerilla appearance isn’t the symbol of being revolutionary today. Anti-revolution isn’t like the vigilantes and remainders of SAVAK and the sinister regime. Our relationship with ideals of the Islamic Revolution and our distance from the promised issue determines which of us are revolutionary and which ones are anti-revolution. The Revolutionary management concept should be followed in this relationships, not speed and rush.

In addition to the anti-despotism nature which led to the empire’s downfall, the Islamic Revolution has anti-arrogance nature, too. From the beginning, we messed with the hegemonic system and demanded for changing the unfair order of the world. This revolution’s speech erupted in the world and was adhered a lot. Nevertheless, interaction with the world shouldn’t be taken for being anti-revolutionary. Both Imam Khomeini and the Supreme Leader of the revolution have asserted that dignified interaction with the world has nothing to do with accepting the rules of the hegemonic system. The principle of the hegemonic system is that we know ourselves defeated to and intimidated by the west and accept a role that has been determined for us by them. The main problem of the Pahlavi’s reign-after dictatorship- was this that it was west’s absolute obedient and defined itself by their occasions.

However we shouldn’t forget this issue the because of Islamic Revolution, world entered new orbits as well and its power occasions were changed. People of the world don’t accept lordship and grandeur of America or any other places anymore and don’t admit the unfair occasions of the world. The era that colonialists depredated resources and facilities of weak countries and no one ever protested has passed. If you look at the world after the Islamic Revolution well, you will see that bustle has started in the world that weaks strengthen themselves and recover their forgotten identity. Majority of countries which was previously called “the third world” are now named “developing countries” because of this very bustle and it is interesting that they are reclaiming their religious and national identity beside development. There is no country anymore that wishes westernization from toe to the brain childishly and meekly like the beginning of the 20th century. They want to become strong and make progress and grow and meanwhile preserve their national-religious identity.

On the other hand, hegemony’s appearance has changed, too and that classical image of colonialism has been destroyed. Those scenes that English people caused in India and showed off their lordship aren’t seen anymore. That domineeringness and megalomania are existing inside but they show themselves differently because of fear of revolutionary rages. This notion has been perceived by intelligent people of the world and was spread around the world. That’s why no one believes the colorful slogans of the hegemonic system and plutocrats. Even ordinary people have understood that America hasn’t attacked Iraq for philanthropy and propagating peace and NATO hasn’t embroiled middle east for settling security. The superpowers have been traduced to the extent that no one believes amicabilities of America and England. If we review the happenings of half of the recent century, we will understand that it was the Islamic Revolution that revealed the foul nature of magisterialists and remove the demagogic mask of democracy and peace and security from their faces. The chaotic middle east and the endangered peace and security of world are the fault of those who attacked Iraq and Afghanistan in the name of fighting with terrorism and put the world into trouble.

But because of Islamic Revolution, Iran was changed as well and from that weakened obedient country turned to a powerful and influencer country. However, we haven’t met our requests and haven’t achieved the asked horizons yet. But, we have obtained considerable progresses because of the revolution. Even our enemies confess that the Islamic Republic of Iran has made progress and achieved amazing power and leverage. They tried to stop our growth and progress and have the experience of Islamic Revolution faced failure by sanction, by malignancy of intention, by hidden projects, by intimidation and insidious plans. They didn’t leave us for even one day. Moreover, There were a few west’s intimidated people inside the country that propagated hopelessness and said no to works. However, the brilliant leadership of the wise leader of revolution and people’s efforts not only neutralized America’s subversive projects but also cause fantastic progress and development. We have been placed in a situation scientifically, technologically, culturally and economically that is not comparable with 37 years ago. Even equitable observers testify that Iran of Islamic Revolution is powerful stable and you can’t consider it as it used to be considered before the revolution.

We have passed different times in the Islamic Revolution and we have named these different periods for different occasions. The Holy Defense period, the facture period, the progress and development period and …If we want to name the today, it is suitable to name it the knowledge-based and scientific power period.

There is no doubt in the necessity of dealing with knowledge-based economy. High-ranked officials of the system have emphasized on it several times. The preliminaries are prepared as well. There is a good market both inside and outside the country. Educated creative powers have been nurtured and the government is ready to assign work to the people and experts. Truely our young power is envied by other countries because of energy and capability. They are envied to the extent that other countries have planned to seize these youth. They want to tempt our talented and intelligent youth of our country with different excuses and attracted them and seize them. At the time that migration has turned to a global problem, advanced countries know that Iranian youth are different and attract them outside this problem. Hence, we should become more conscious and appreciate our youth more. These youth are those who were nurtured in the Islamic system, grew in schools and universities of after revolution and recognized the world via Islamic and revolutionary teachings. Meaning of these speech is that we must see them and appreciate them more and count on them in the knowledge-based economy seriously.

It is the wise leader of revolution’s interpretation that “Khomeini is alive until the revolution is alive”. In the same vein it should be said that revolution is alive as long as the revolution’s trained people and Islam’s children are alive. Success of experience of Islamic Revolution is the success of all of the thoughts and ideals that we followed them 37 years ago. So we shouldn’t be frail. We shouldn’t be lazy. We shouldn’t procrastinate and not paying our debt to the country and revolution. The knowledge-based economy is the debt that the new generation should pay.


Parviz Karami; President of the knowledge-based science, technology and economy culture development headquarter of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs

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