  • Jul 26 2020 - 15:20
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The Role of Knowledge and Innovation in the Progress of Economics Will Be Revealed

The vice president for science and technology affairs expressed during the meeting of the economy of resistance in Hamedan Province, stating: the impact of knowledge on this type of economy is evident. It is not possible to spend this much on education and see no influence on the life of people and the economy of the country. Therefore, we have definitely have passed the wrong path.

During the meeting, Sattari expressed: Hamedan Province has a unique natural and human infrastructure. There are more than 100,000 students and about 3000 faculty members in this region. The knowledge-based economy is software, the use of which requires a change in our culture. Unfortunately, oil has destroyed most of our cultural infrastructures.

The vice president for science and technology affairs continued: oil industry taught our children to be recruited by organizations, which destroyed entrepreneurship. A country with 4,000 years of entrepreneurship, trade, economics, science and technology lost much of its cultural infrastructure to oil money.

Sattari also marked: if we teach our kids that recruitment means betrayal, destruction of innovation and lose of self-confidence, we will take a giant step toward improvement.

According to the president of the national elites foundation, knowledge and technology cannot be bought but learned.

The president of the knowledge-based economy culture-building headquarter added: a research supported with government money will not yield a proper product and will not benefit the people. A successful research needs to be invested in by the private sector.

The vice president for science and technology affairs explained: today, the price of one kg of cucumbers and tomatoes is higher than gold price in the world. This is mainly due to the fact that knowledge gives value to raw materials and oil and saffron do not have the value they had before.

Sattari continued: the biggest divine blessing is innovation. Nevertheless, innovation is easily suppressed in societies with an economy depending on underground sources. The key to maintain innovation in our youth is in our own hands and will occur with a change in the culture.

In another part of his speech, Sattari affirmed: it is very different to be happy to discover a gypsum mine in the province than to send a student back to the province from the heart of the great universities of Tehran.

Sattari also expressed: the solution is in the hands of knowledge-based companies. We must all correct the business environment. In addition, universities and industries must keep their promises.

Emphasizing the necessity of correcting universities’ direction, he marked: along with changing the view of the university, the view of industry and society must also be reformed. If we want to define knowledge-based economy in one sentence, we must say that knowledge-based economy is the economy of young people whose capital is not in their pockets, but innovation and creativity and the power of their minds are important.

The president of the biotechnology development headquarter added: great things have happened in the past few years. Today, there are more than 5000 knowledge-based companies with a sales rate of 120,000 billion Tomans in the country. Today, we have 35,000 knowledge-based companies on the stock exchange board.

According to Sattari, the value of knowledge-based companies in the stock market is about 180 thousand billion tomans.

Maybe six years ago, we did not think at all that these numbers would be registered in knowledge-based companies. These companies also export their products to other countries annually.

Sattari also asserted: there must be a difference between a graduate who creates value with an ordinary person. Sometimes, our good startups grow 10-15 percent per week. During the corona crisis, a large number of knowledge-based children have had suitable growth in their fields.

Sattari expressed: these people helped the country with their innovations during the corona crisis. They found their own way and took proper steps in this field.

Announcing the Vice-Presidency’s preparedness to help develop the infrastructures in Hamedan Province, Sattari stated: development occurs when we use the ability of knowledge-based companies. The administrative works of startups and knowledge-based companies must be done in the shortest time possible.

In addition, Saeed Shahrokhi, the governor of Hamedan, affirmed: the first priority of the government is job creation and increased production. With this approach, we also tried to move the provincial management team with a plan and principles to achieve this goal.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs

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