  • Jul 14 2016 - 21:18
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Sattari in the Meeting of Heads of Provincial Elites Foundations

The Provincial Elites Foundations Are Houses of Talented and Elites

The Provincial Elites Foundations Are Houses of Talented and Elites

According to the public relations and information center of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs, the second day of the global meeting of heads of provincial elites foundation was held with presence of Dr. Sattari- presidency vice president for science and technology affairs and head of the national elites foundation, deputies and managers of the national elites foundation and heads of provincial elites foundations with hospitality of the elites foundation of West- Azerbaijan in Urmia.

At the beginning of this meeting, Dr. Sattari considered the human force as the main capital of the country and said: Regarding the young population and number of students studying in educating centers of the country and the number of our graduates especially in engineering field, Iran is placed among the top world countries in the field of human capitals and we must not forget that the knowledge is the main source of development and progress of every country today.

Mentioning that provincial elites foundations must be the house of provinces’ talented ones and elites and a place for growth, progress and exchanging opinion with them, Sattari emphasized on the necessity of supporting the superior talented ones countrywide and said: The young generation of each province is the capital of that province and the country and provincial elites foundation must smooth the path of putting this excellent potential in the affecting the society path by correct planning, recognizing the talents and needs of the thinker and expert human force by connecting to and interacting to them correctly.

Emphasizing that Iran is a country with 5000 years of history and Iranian scientists were born in their ecosystem and dominating atmosphere of their era, Sattari said: Law of knowledge-based companies is nothing but creating a proper ecosystem.

In the following, head of the national elites foundation emphasized on making culture for knowledge-based cerebration and using everyone’s potential for reaching a knowledge-based economy and said: In the vein of making culture for propagating the knowledge-based cerebration, entrepreneurship and emphasizing on domestic production , many activities have been carried out on media and especially the TV and cyberspaces with the vice presidency for science and technology affairs’ support which you will witness its further growth in coming months.

Head of the knowledge-based science, technology and economy culture development headquarter of the vice presidency for science affairs emphasized on the importance of carrying out cultural jobs to create a proper ecosystem, superior talented ones’ familiarization with intellectual properties and creating fixation in them.

In the following, he mentioned that within the current year, the issue of educating prizes of the national elites foundation would be pursued with more severity and asserted: The aim of activities of innovation centers of universities must be training human force. Universities must teach students that look at a start-up which fails after a couple of months of activity as a apprenticeship class and use its experiences for trying more and harder and this is the very training the expert force. Our new generation should know that the country can’t be reigned with the oil money anymore as with change in vision and the literacy level of the society even if the oil price reaches its highest amount, the country will need a potential above the national resources which is the expert human force’s knowledge and brain.

Sattari said at the end: The provinces’ universities orientation must be solving the problems of the province, people and the country finally and the vice presidency for science and technology affairs is ready to define joint national project with all provinces for solving the problems.



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