  • Sep 8 2020 - 14:58
  • 434
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The Largest Digital Economy Event Will Be Held in Tehran

This October, the Summit Hall is hosting the largest digital economy event in the country. Due to corona pandemic, digital projects and measures are accelerated and the largest digital economy event will be held with the support of the Vice-Presidency.

The Digital Economy and Employment Conference (Future Jobs and the Future of Jobs) will be held October 10th-11th, 2020 with the cooperation of the Vice-Presidency, the ministry of cooperative, labor and social welfare, the national cyberspace center, the ministry of information technology and communications, the ministry of finance and economics, and Tarbiat Modares University. The present age is called the digital age. The days when advancing economic goals and sustainable development, helping scientific advancement and lifestyle improvement depend on the effective use of new communication technologies and digital tools.

The mentioned conference is a proper opportunity for assessing people’s lifestyles, issues of e-government governance and improving government performance in times of crisis, digitization of documents, telecommuting, distance education and learning systems, new concepts of privacy, e-commerce.

The days of the Corona outbreak have been further exacerbated by the need to use digital tools. The disease has forced governments to use more appropriate tools to combat the disease. Tools that need to provide communication and information infrastructure.

The conference aims to promote employment and labor productivity, review governance in the digital economy, value creation and wealth, human resource development, investment and financing, information and culture, and infrastructure and structures.

For more information, please refer to

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs


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  • News code : 69833

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