  • May 18 2016 - 19:01
  • 44
  • Study time : 1 minute(s)
With Presence of Vice President of Science and Technology Affairs of Islamic Republic of Iran;

The Cooperation Memorandum Note of Iran and Greece Was Signed in Science and Technology

The Cooperation Memorandum Note of Iran and Greece Was Signed in Science and Technology

The secretary-general for international economic relations of ministry of foreign affairs of Greece visited the presidency vice president for science and technology affairs on Tuesday May 18th at the vice presidency foe science affairs.

According to the public relations and information center of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs, Giorgos Tsipras- the secretary-general for international economic relations of ministry of foreign affairs of Greece visited Dr. Soorena Sattari- the vice president for science and technology affairs of Islamic Republic of Iran yesterday.

This meeting held following the last years agreements of Prime minister of Greece- Alexis Tsipras with the presidency vice president for science and technology affairs on Tuesday May 18th at the vice presidency foe science affairs and with the aim of increasing interactions and cooperation with Greece, led to signing the joint cooperation memorandum note in science and technology.

This memorandum signed by the secretary-general for international economic relations of ministry of foreign affairs and the deputy of technology exchange and international affairs of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs includes different scientific and technology fields like Nano technology, Bio technology, Marine sciences and techniques, cooperation in the field of technology parks, holding joint seminars, conferences and scientific workshops and other fields.

Announcing readiness for making the bedrock, he said about carrying out joint activities and investments: The vice presidency for science and technology affairs of Islamic Republic of Iran will support development of economic interactions between the two countries.

Ali Morteza Birang, the deputy of technology exchange and international affairs of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs  also expressed gladness of creation of joint scientific and technology task force between Iran and Greece for realization of cooperations and said: The vast presence of Greek companies in INOTEX exhibition was substantial.


He added: Greek companies are of most active foreign companies attended this exhibition. We hope that the aforementioned memorandum can help the development of cooperation capacities of the two countries.

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  • News code : 15047


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