  • Sep 19 2020 - 14:27
  • 434
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The Ceremony of “Creative Company Millennium”; Top Startups and Technologists of Creative Industries Will Be Awarded

Parviz Karami, the president of the policy-making council of the “ceremony of creative company millennium” stated: startups and companies selected in the event will be awarded with cash prize and will receive support packages. The “top creative fair” will also be held simultaneously with this event.

The president of the policy-making council of the “ceremony of creative company millennium” continued: digital and cyberspace businesses, audio-visual industries, cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts, visual arts and visual arts, games, toys and entertainment, design and architecture, medicinal plants and traditional medicine, and publishing, printing and libraries from are the areas of creative and cultural industries considered in this entrepreneurship event.

According to the secretary of the headquarters for the culture knowledge-based economy, technology activists, creative companies and startups active in these fields can apply for registration in this event by corresponding with the information base of this event at

Karami also expressed: this national celebration tries to identify creative companies and startups with top designs and products with cohesion and motivation in the field of creative and cultural industries, and allocate the necessary support packages to them. With regard to the considerable turnover of soft technologies and cultural industries in the world, entrepreneurship events such as “the ceremony of creative company millennium” and “top creative fair” can persuade active companies to move toward the commercialization of their ideas and projects.

Karami pointed out the awards considered for the companies and startups selected in the competition, asserting: in addition to the competition, various educational workshops and webinars will be held during the ceremony to present the latest achievements in the field of soft technologies and provide the necessary counseling. 

The advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs added: those interested in participating in the event can register until October 6th, 2020. In addition, the "Top Creative" festival is held at the same time as this celebration. In this festival, creative companies and teams from all over the country will compete and finally, the selected ones of the festival will be honored with the title of "Top Creative".

Karami also affirmed: in the competitive sectors, evaluation and ranking in each field will be done among creative companies active in the same field, and the evaluation criteria of each field may be different from another field. For example, creative companies active in the field of architecture are only compared to their competitors in this field, and the jury does not evaluate them in comparison with companies active in the field of computer games.



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