  • May 24 2017 - 15:26
  • 356
  • Study time : 1 minute(s)
Secretary of Iran National Space Administration;

System and subsystem of commercial helicopters will be produced in the country with the cooperation of European countries.

System and subsystem of commercial helicopters will be produced in the country with the cooperation of European countries.

Secretary of Iran national space administration stated: according to the agreements made between our administration and some of the European countries, systems and subsystems of commercial helicopters will be produced in the country.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Manouchehr Manteghi, chairman of Iran national space administration, stated: in 2016, presence of delegations from Austria, Germany, France and Czech Republic in Iran led to the conclusion of some agreements in terms of production of systems and subsystems of commercial helicopters and production of general aviation aircrafts.

He continued: in addition, some agreements were made in the areas of machining and metal structures, financing of aviation products, engine design, joint research projects on new technologies, design and manufacture of unique systems and modernization of old subsystems of fleets. According to Manteghi, this administration was also the host of several active aerial companies from France, Italy, Russia and Czech, which led to the conclusion of 12 cooperation agreements between Iranian and foreign knowledge-based companies in fields of providing engineering services for development of subsystems, enhancement of industrial workshops for repairing aircraft engine blades, overhaul of aircraft engines, training and improving the knowledge of experts, and development of avionics and mechanical systems.


He asserted: some of the other achievements of this administration include the initiation of executive stage of launching the largest repair center, maintenance and repair of Middle East region, project for development of air transportation of Iran and human resources training plan.

  • News group : NEWS
  • News code : 23870


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