  • Dec 1 2018 - 18:20
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Sustainable Development is Realized When Scientific Development Be in Priority

Sustainable Development is Realized When Scientific Development Be in Priority


According to the public relations and information center of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs, Eshaq Jahangiri, first vice president of the government declared at third national and international festival and congress on science and technologies of stem cells and regenerative medicine: Whenever a headquarter was established in the government for starting up activities associated with new technology during the past years, there were few researchers and scientists in these disciplines whereas we have attained great achievements today and the number of universities, researchers, professors and students all over the country has increased significantly in disciplines related to modern technologies.

The first vice president mentioned Iran’s progress in different scientific disciplines and modern technologies and said: Fortunately, there are some researchers and scientists from foreign countries interested in cooperating with Iran. Extension of Iran’s activities in the field of modern technologies has caused the country to reach an acceptable place internationally in some disciplines in number of products, number of scientific papers and exporting Nano, bio and medical products.

He carried on: Iran has experienced impressive progress and growth in stem cells during recent years and when I visited the exhibition of this congress, I saw achievements attained which indicate Iran has taken considerable step in stem cells.

Acknowledging the people involved in holding this important scientific congress, Dr. Jahangiri asserted: Such unions have an effective role in information exchange nationally and internationally and can accelerate modern technologies and sciences development.

He said: The most vital element for preserving Iran’s scientific place in this competitive world is to put scientific development in priority and agenda i.e. preserve knowledge-oriented capacities, science and scientific discoveries which we get access to domestically and internationally and use it to serve the country.

Stating that new scientific opportunities created in the country are based on knowledge-based sciences, he said: In many different sciences such as medical, fundamental and humanities sciences, we can open various ways for the country through making things knowledge-based. For realizing this, organizations propagating knowledge must be established in the country to relate scientists’ and researchers’ ideas to investors and the investors understand the disciplines and fields in which they can invest.

The first vice president of the president mentioned the emphasis of the Supreme Leader of Iran on science and technology development and asserted: Fortunately, The issue of science and technology is pursued at the highest management level of the country today which has led to establishment of incubators and science and technologies park along with the universities of the country. Knowledge-based affairs and modern technologies development are sought in these centers.

Emphasizing on this issue that Iran abides by some serious principles in developing science and technology, he said: One principle is that science and technology development should be peaceful and humanitarian and Iran has never and will never seek developing amoral, trespassing and destructive sciences.

The first vice president of presidency reminded that the ministry of science, research and technology and presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs have anticipated some mechanisms to use the capacity of international scientific organizations in the country and asserted: Iran’s government asks all scientific centers of the world for help in developing science and technology and appreciate their cooperation in Iran.

He continued: I ask Iranian scientists and researchers all over the world to increase their cooperation with scientists and researchers inside the country for their country sake and the government has tried to eliminate many obstacles.

Emphasizing on this issue that the government has assigned this duty for itself to eliminate all obstacles in developing science and technology, Jahangiri added: In addition to the government’s efforts and policy-making, all administrative, judiciary and security organizations should cooperate with scientists and researchers in realizing the policy of science and technology development as well and try to remove legal obstacles.

The first vice president of presidency asked all researchers, scientists, professors and students to share ideas in such scientific congresses to develop science and technology as well as identifying obstacles and also reinforcing elements and transfer such issues to the government so that the government removes these obstacles and reinforces advancing elements.

The vice president for science and technology affairs provided a report in this ceremony on the government’s achievements in the field of modern technologies, knowledge-based sciences and stem cells and said: In stem cells section we have managed to overtake many successful countries in this field and efforts of scientists and researchers of the country will help the scientific development of the stem cells discipline.


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  • News code : 40298


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