  • May 1 2023 - 14:37
  • 215
  • Study time : 3 minute(s)

Supporting the active and effective role of women in the knowledge-based ecosystem

A group of women entrepreneurs, innovators and active in knowledge-based companies, at the same time as the second flourishing event, spoke about their concerns and challenges in the path of knowledge-based activities with the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy in a sincere and unmediated meeting.

The Innovation and Prosperity Fund hosted the influential and active women in the ecosystem of technology, innovation and knowledge-based economy under the pretext of the second flourishing event that was held at the same time as the World Intellectual Property Day and with the slogan of "Women, Intellectual Property: Acceleration of Creativity and Innovation".

In this event, Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, pointed out the unique and high capabilities of women in helping the growth and development of the knowledge-based economy and said: the fruition of an innovative idea, going through the stages of growth and maturity until reaching to the market, it is exhausting, time-consuming and requires continuity. Due to the perseverance, effort and motivation of women, they can handle this task well and bring the idea to its destination.

Emphasizing that the knowledge-based ecosystem has the ability to give the activists of this field freedom and the right to choose in the role they want to play, Dehghani added: In the world, we have two spectrums of creation, which are men and women, who have different traits in people from these two spectrums are distributed and manifested. It is not a correct attitude to discriminate between women and men in terms of women's capabilities, and we should look at both sexes from a human perspective. A platform and space should be provided for each person to play a role in the society according to his interests, abilities and capacities.

The effective role of women in the knowledge-based economy

Referring to the effective role played by women in the body and structure of the knowledge-based economy, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy said: out of more than 8,400 knowledge-based companies, in more than 1,000 companies, women play a role in the position of CEO and Meanwhile, 17% of the shares of these companies are owned by women, half of the students and 30% of the faculty members of the universities are women. Fortunately, a suitable space and opportunity for the flourishing of talents and capabilities has been provided for elite women with ideas and entrepreneurs in the ecosystem of the knowledge-based economy, and with the support planned by the vice presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy at various levels, the activities in this space will be facilitated more than ever.

He stated that in the ecosystem of technology, innovation and knowledge-based economy, the necessary platform and space is well provided for the flourishing of women's talents and capacities, he said: the ecosystem of technology and innovation is the place and scope for innovative ideas and serious determination to bring these ideas to fruition. Women are the best of education and with the practice and persistence that lies in their nature, they will finally implement the idea, and a look at the success statistics of knowledge-based companies centered on management and role-playing of women is a proof of this claim. In knowledge-based companies, there is a human perspective and an interactive and companionable culture that everyone should work according to their wishes and abilities, and in this respect, there are no restrictions and women are free to choose any role in this ecosystem. The duty of influential institutions, society and decision makers is to support this choice in the best way and guide people towards the flourishing of talents and excellence.

On the sidelines of this meeting, a group of active women in knowledge-based and technological companies, without intermediaries and in an intimate atmosphere, talked about their problems, concerns and needs to move in the direction of growth and promotion of the technology and innovation ecosystem. The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy, while talking to this group and expressing solutions, issued the necessary orders to deal with the issues raised and emphasized on creating the necessary grounds to facilitate their activities by prioritizing the problems of knowledge-based activists.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 90830

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