  • May 4 2023 - 10:06
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  • Study time : 6 minute(s)
unveiling of the foot and mouth disease vaccine;

Supporting and facilitating the promotion of health economy

With the presence of the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, the production line of the contagious Octima foot and mouth disease vaccine was unveiled.

Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, in the unveiling ceremony of the foot and mouth disease vaccine production line, pointed out that the health economy is a value-creating and authority-creating field and said: Biotechnology is one of the leading fields in value creation is one of the strategic priorities of the country, which has been paid attention to with the help of officials and young and educated manpower and has achieved good results.

Referring to the role of creative human resources, the head of the National Elites Foundation said: Biotechnology is a field mainly based on the brainware of innovation and technology, and by taking advantage of the small amount of infrastructure, can bring high added value.

Referring to the country's prioritization and the serious support of the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy in this field, Dehghani added: "The country has made very good progress in this field in recent years."

Referring to the support of the Vice Presidency of Science for biotechnology products and the health field, he said: This field, which brings high added value in small dimensions, is one of the most important and priority areas of technology that the Vice Presidency of Science supports.

Referring to the valuable effort that has been made to produce this knowledge-based product to meet the needs of the livestock industry and the country's self-sufficiency, Dehghani continued: "Which industry do we know in the country that has so much effectiveness and compound good in a short period of time?" In addition to preventing the outflow of currency, this area has helped to improve food security. It also provides the ground for the preservation and sustainability of the elite manpower and the opportunity for them to be effective.

The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, stating that the efforts of knowledge-based companies, the economy based on brainware and intellectual capital will be the foundation for transformation, added: In addition to creating employment, we are witnessing a wave of creating hope and motivating young people.

He added: This company, which has provided a complete ecosystem in the field of knowledge, in addition to producing strategic and important products, by creating a growth and innovation center, has provided the ground for the transformation of innovative ideas. Currently, the most important and necessary need of the country is this area.

Referring to the necessity of allocating the market to knowledge-based companies, Dehghani continued: The Ministry of Jihad should support this knowledge-based movement and provide its market to these companies.

Supporting the role of knowledge-based cooperatives in the field of agriculture

Seyyed Mohammad Aghamiri, Acting Minister of Agricultural Jihad, also pointed out the valuable efforts to penetrate knowledge-based in the field of agriculture and said: Agricultural Jihad policies in various fields are based on support in all sectors to realize the slogan of this year. We consider this slogan as a road map and try to curb inflation by increasing production.

Referring to the need of 600 million doses of livestock vaccine in the country, he said: About 50 million doses are produced in the country. We must become self-sufficient in vaccine production and be able to say with authority that we are self-sufficient in livestock vaccine production in the country. In terms of quality and efficiency, Iranian vaccines are no less than foreign samples, and we may be ahead in some productions and produce vaccines that are much more effective.

Aghamiri, pointing out that we have a serious need in the field of poultry vaccines, said: Steps have been taken in this field, and we hope to see effective products in the field of poultry vaccines by the end of this year. We must increase the share of the private sector and the cooperative sector in the economy, and in this regard, the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad should increase the role of cooperatives in this field.

Facilitating the process of granting facilities to knowledge-based companies

Mohammad Mahmoudian, Vice President of Facilitation and Commercialization in the Innovation and Prosperity Fund, said:

Among the knowledge-based companies of Vera Vaccine and other companies that were formed, fortunately, they had a very good growth.

He continued: In the Innovation and Prosperity Fund, 43 billion Tomans were granted to start this production line, and fortunately, today we are witnessing the fruition of this knowledge-based product.

Mahmoudian stated: With the new approach and attitude in the vice presidency of science, the innovation and prosperity fund and the determination to support companies, there should be a change in the allocation of guarantees and support with companies, and while preventing foreign currency outflow, self-sufficiency and the realization of the import of innovative domestically made products.

Meeting the need of the country's livestock industry for a technological field

It should be noted that the Vira-Ectyvax product addresses one of the common problems in livestock and helps to reduce the severity of the complications of affected animals and prevent the rest of the herd from becoming infected.

Vira Vaccine Shaya Company started its work by studying animal vaccines and was able to start and operate a factory for the production of animal viral vaccines under international standards for the first time in the country.

Vira Vaccine Shaya Company introduced the ruminant vaccine to the market by localizing and producing it and introduced it as a capable company in the field of biological products production.

This company, with 40 million doses of vaccine annually and having clean rooms with a safety level in accordance with international standards, while being able to meet domestic needs for the health of heavy livestock, has the capacity to export 20 million doses.

This company has been able to take a significant share of non-oil exports while supplying domestic needs and producing knowledge-based products for the market.

It is expected that with the arrival of this company's products, more than 10 million dollars of foreign exchange will be brought to the country.

This knowledge-based company has developed its activity with the aim of meeting the domestic needs in the first step and exporting in the second step, and last year it will export $300,000 and next year it will export $600,000.

There are 700 personnel working in the growth center of Vira Vaccine Shaya, and mostly the teams are young with an average age of 30 to 35 years, who are mostly knowledge-based and technologists.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 90916

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