  • Mar 9 2023 - 09:50
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Self-sufficiency in the production of a strategic effective substance; Dehghani: Completing the value chain of health products is one of the 5 supporting priorities in the Vice Presidency of Science

With the presence of the vice president for science, technology and knowledge-based economy, the production line of para-aminophenol, the effective and primary ingredient of the drug acetaminophen, was unveiled and put into operation.

Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, at the opening ceremony of para-aminophenol production line, which was held in the presence of a group of provincial and national officials at Kimiagaran Company today, pointing out that the real added value in the health value chain are created by the downstream products of knowledge-based companies, he added: added value is created in large and strategic industries, if they are linked to the main branches of the value chain, i.e. knowledge-based companies.

Emphasizing the necessity of establishing a relationship between industries and knowledge-based companies, he said: real profits and high added value are brought by the lower links in the value chain.

Dehghani reminded the high importance of knowledge-based companies in creating added value and employment from raw materials in industries such as petrochemicals and transforming raw materials into knowledge-based products and added: If we compare the health industry to a tree whose big industries such as petrochemicals are its stout trunks, Companies like today's alchemists are blossoms that turn the life and sap of this tree into sweet fruits of employment and added value. In the pharmaceutical industry, this company also transforms raw materials into a final and strategic product in the pharmaceutical industry with high added value.

The head of the National Elites Foundation stated that our country has a significant potential for value and job creation in all sectors of the health value chain and said: Iran has all the basic supplies and needs for progress and excellence in the pharmaceutical industry. We have many advantages in the drug value chain, both chemical and biological, including the fact that all materials and preparations are ready for production, and we also have young, educated, motivated and cheap human resources who can use these raw materials to Convert profitable and employment-generating products.

Dehghani, referring to the support of the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy in the knowledge-based transformation in the value chain of health and medicine, said: In the Vice Presidency of Science, one of the 5 important and priority areas to complete the value chain is the health sector, and we are ready to use all the capacities to make this field knowledge-based and link knowledge-based circles to the body of the industry.

Linking petrochemical industries and health sector with the help of knowledge-based companies

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy stated: the field of medicine is one of the value and wealth-increasing fields that knowledge-based companies, as an intermediate link between the fields of medicine and petrochemicals, can generate significant profits and employment without the need to import and export currency. The Persian Gulf Petrochemical Venture Capital Fund with an investment value of $2 billion is a good start to evolve the pharmaceutical value chain.

All capacities should be used in the service of knowledge-based companies

Ali Aghamohammadi, the head of the economic group in the Office of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution, emphasized facilitating the licenses and smoothing the support paths for knowledge-based companies, and said: There are many obstacles and problems on the way of producers, and this is the main obstacle and challenge of innovative production. There are many examples that have the ability and capacity to produce knowledge-based knowledge in various subjects and axes, but many obstacles and problems have blocked this way.

He added: The action taken in this factory is considered a starting point and origin of movement in the drug production chain. Supporting such trends in health and other industries should be the working model of the authorities.

Aghamohammadi, emphasizing that it is necessary for the authorities to put facilitation and support of this flow at the top of their work, continued: Fortunately, we have seen that foreign countries have come to Iran and concluded the biggest contracts. It is necessary that we, as the responsible, be the carpet under the people's feet and pave the way for them.

The member of the Expediency Recognition Council continued: Health needs a change, and I request that the officials of the Markazi province, with the help of the parties at their disposal and with an uprising for God, help the people and help this fundamental change.

The capacity of knowledge-based companies is used in the industrial diversity of the province

Referring to the various capacities of this province in various industries, Markazi Governor Farzad Mokhles Ol-Aeme said: Markazi Province has taken the first place in terms of the variety of industrial products. Markazi Province with its industrial background, heavy industries related to energy and non-oil can benefit from the capacity of knowledge-based and innovative companies for transformation.

He added: Despite the elite capacity of capable artisans who are working in the province, this kind of success is not far from expected and the artisans and technologists were able to complete a part of the drug value chain and add it to the province's portfolio of honors.

An all-out effort to remove obstacles in the field of food and medicine

Heydar Mohammadi, head of the Food and Drug Organization, also pointed to the significant role of knowledge-based companies in the pharmaceutical industry and said: "The country's pharmaceutical industry is much prouder today than in the past, and the development of the country's pharmaceutical industry can be considered one of the blessings of the Islamic Revolution." He pointed to the role of knowledge companies. in meeting domestic needs and creating an environment for export: Today we are one of the exporters to neighboring and distant countries and we have turned from an importer to a producer. The effort is to increase both the range of products and the depth of production.

Removing the obstacles in the way of drug production

Hossein Ali Shahriari, head of the Health Commission of the Islamic Council, said: We have problems in the field of medicine, the solution of which requires the determination and serious support of the government. The parliament also knows its duty to solve these challenges to the best of its ability. He added: Today, a very good step has been taken in this company, which deserves praise, and we hope that the authorities will be more determined to solve the problems of the pharmaceutical industry.

Saving 20 million dollars with self-sufficiency in para-aminophenol production

Today, Kimiagaran Company, which has taken effective steps in the production of widely used and essential drugs in the country, including acetaminophen, has been able to make the country free from the import of this strategic drug by setting up a para-aminophenol production plant as the primary and effective ingredient of this drug.

Before the establishment of this factory, 20 million dollars were spent annually to import this widely used substance from countries such as India and China, and it was provided to the pharmaceutical industry for the production of various forms of medicine, but with the production of this effective medicinal substance inside the country, it amounted to 15 million foreign exchange savings will be realized for the country without the need for imports. The annual production capacity of this factory is 4 thousand tons, which is twice the country's needs, and it can boost exports to other countries while meeting domestic needs.

By completing the acetaminophen drug production chain, while creating added value from petrochemical products such as benzene, Iran will have the complete production chain of this drug for the first time in the world.

Self-sufficiency and the evolution of the value chain of the production of other strategic and widely used drugs such as metformin for diabetic patients, aspirin and mefenamic acid drugs are also in the direction of this company.

The construction of metronidazole, acetaminophen and glycerin production line and export to 30 countries of the world while being self-sufficient is one of the achievements of Kimiagaran company today.

Visiting the knowledge-based companies of the Markazi Science and Technology Park

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, during his one-day trip to the Markazi province, visited the science and technology park of this province while opening and unveiling the student technology park and visited the achievements of the science and technology park with the technology activists based in this science and technology park.

It should be mentioned that the Markazi Province Science and Technology Park has provided employment capacity for more than 1,400 people and has created the basis for the export of two million dollars to neighboring countries.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy


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