  • Jun 6 2020 - 14:54
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Sattari: Food Security Will Improve with the Influence of Technology/Knowledge-based Companies Will Introduce Technological Products into the Market

A meeting was held in the presence of Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, and Kazem Khavazi, the minister of agricultural jihad, attended by a number of deputies and authorities. During the meeting, Sattari announced the introduction of Iranian products in the field of food security.

The meeting focused on creating a market for knowledge-based companies and activists of the innovation and technology ecosystem in the agriculture sector. This is mainly due to the fact that after the pharmaceutical field, food security was recognized as one of the strategic fields of the country that became very important during the corona crisis.

 During June 2019, president issued a communiqué to all government agencies to use the country's scientific and technological capacity and the ability of specialists to meet the domestic needs of the country. Since that time, the agriculture jihad and the Vice-Presidency initiated joint agreements to realize this goal.

Development of the Knowledge-based Economy; A Priority of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs

During the meeting, Sattari stated: over the past six years, proper scientific and technological work has been done by the Vice-Presidency and the agriculture jihad. However, the development of the knowledge-based economy in the agriculture field is one of the main priorities of the Vice-Presidency.

Sattari added: since two years ago, we started the projects related to food security. Imports in food safety-related products account for a significant number of imports, both in technological areas such as livestock and poultry vaccines and probiotics, and in non-technological areas such as corn.

Pointing out the formation of a specialized working group in the new management of the ministry of agriculture, Sattari marked: of course, good effective measures have been taken in this area and new programs are being prepared based on the amount of imports of products to ensure food security using Iranian manufactured products. In this case, we will see the self-sufficiency and independence of the country in this area. In the event of a crisis, we can deal well with it.

Sattari also expressed: detailed programs have been developed and products will soon be marketed through knowledge-based and technology technologies, such as livestock and poultry vaccines.

Cooperation with the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs Are Expanding

In addition, Kazem Khavazi, the minister of agricultural jihad, mentioned: there are many issues in the agricultural sector of the country, which have been dealt with by the support provided by the Vice-Presidency. In this regard, an important issue has been automation, which has been developed with the activities of knowledge-based companies and startups.

He continued: a complete program of cooperation with the Vice-Presidency to integrate information has been designed and contracts have been concluded with technological companies active in the field of chemical and bio-fertilizers.

The use of sugarcane branches is also one of the good programs that exist to reduce imports in the agricultural sector by using these branches.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs


  • News group : NEWS,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 67963

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