  • Aug 4 2020 - 14:12
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Sattari: Added Value Obtained from Knowledge Has Been a Great Improvement in Yazd

Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, visited knowledge-based companies based in the industrial town of Yazd during his trip to the city. Pointing out the new outlook formed in the province regarding added value obtained from knowledge, he considered this notion to be the cause of rapid advancement and growth in the region.

 First, Sattari was welcomed by technologists at Yazd Industrial Town, who displayed their accomplishments in the form of an exhibition. During the visit, Sattari expressed: various programs are followed up during the trip to extend the activists of the innovation and technology ecosystem in the province. This will occur while we direct the province toward knowledge-based economy, which is an important issue for advancement in Yazd.

The vice president for science and technology affairs mentioned the turnover of knowledge-based companies, adding: knowledge-based companies do not need a workspace, do not pollute the environment, and their value is the knowledge produced in these centers. Using our knowledge to produce prototypes will lead to high added value, which is an important issue for graduates, especially in the area of job creation.

Sattari also marked: Yazd Province has high capacity for knowledge-based economy. Empathy of officials, private sector investors and the people to develop the economy is one of the benefits of the province. These people attempt to improve the economy in the province using their facilities and equipment.

The president of the headquarters for culture knowledge-based economy mentioned: therefore, we have more responsibility in the area of development of the infrastructures for investment. During the trip, decisions will be made to construct the necessary infrastructures and support these companies.

Moreover, Sattari followed up technological activities in the province by visiting the robotics unit and technological teams of the Islamic Azad University, the exhibition of technological products and stem cell accelerators of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd and Heirani Creative House. In addition, he attended the opening ceremony of Yazd Innovation School, executive operation of the construction of the comprehensive campus of Yazd Science and Technology Park, and accelerating the process of new ideas in the science and technology park of the province.

During this trip, the construction operation of the technology pilot of the new campus of Yazd Science and Technology Park began as well.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs

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