Registration Deadline for the 6th Rabe Rashidi Exhibition Is Extended to October 22nd 2018.
Registration Deadline for the 6th Rabe Rashidi Exhibition Is Extended to October 22nd 2018.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, the registration deadline for the 6th round of the Rabe Rashidi Innovation and Technology Exhibition has been extended to October 22nd 2018. Therefore, all companies can refer to to complete their registration and provide the necessary documents based on the regulation of the exhibition (file available on the website of exhibition).
Similar to the previous rounds, the 6th innovation and technology exhibition of Rabe Rashidi will be held in four sections of technological ideas, technology development and commercialization, sale of knowledge-based products and technological needs. The main goals of the event include helping the commercialization of technology, laying the foundation for completing the circle of science to technology and technology to business, recognizing and introducing innovations and technological inventions, as well as knowledge-based projects and ideas, and introducing technologies and laying the foundation for making research abilities more applicable.
Other goals of the 6th Rabe Rashidi exhibition are introducing the technological needs of production and service organizations and agencies, creating interactions between academics and technologies with various economic and executive sections, development of regional, national and international technological cooperation, creating a proper space for business of elites and forming knowledge-based companies, attracting domestic and foreign investors for opportunities of knowledge-based investment and increasing the export of knowledge-based products and services.
This event encompasses 17 specialized zones with the following subjects: agriculture and biology innovation and technology, energy innovation and technology (renewable electricity and energies), oil, gas and petrochemical innovation and technology, clothes and textile industry innovation and technology, water innovation and technology, medical innovation and technology, convergent and cognitive sciences innovation and technology, nano innovation and technology, and communication, electronics and microelectronics innovation and technology.
Other zones of Rinotex 2018 include automotive, spare production and car construction innovation and technology, information and communication technologies innovation and technology, food, medicine and cosmetics innovation and technology, advanced materials, composite, road and building materials innovation and technology, soft and identity-making innovation and technology (creative and cultural industries), research and technological activities of students, defense industries, education and skill technologies and smart city.
The 6th innovation and technology exhibition of Rabe Rashidi (RINOTEX 2018) will be held November 1st-5th, 2018 in the international exhibition of Tabriz. Registration deadline of the event has been extended to October 22nd 2018.