  • Oct 6 2020 - 15:25
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Opening “VITA” and a New Life for Medical Equipment; Sattari: Knowledge-based Companies Should Exhibit Their Abilities in the Area of Society Health Improvement

“VITA Innovation Center” was opened in the presence of Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs. By repairing, rehabilitating, and optimizing medical equipment, this center of technology returns wealth to the medical economics cycle and revitalizes equipment in the field, bringing health to society.

During the opening ceremony of VITA Innovation Center, Sattari expressed that knowledge-based companies proved that they can help improve the country’s health. In this regard, he mentioned: a great opportunity has been provided to knowledge-based companies to turn innovative and technological abilities to business.

The Pristine Market for Equipment for Health Professionals

Pointing out the presence of knowledge-based companies in the evolution of the health system, Sattari affirmed: a pristine market has been created for knowledge-based equipment in the field of health, and a very valuable opportunity has been created for the prosperity of health businesses. This opportunity may not exist at any other time, and companies must make the most of this capacity.

The president of the headquarters for culture knowledge-based economy talked about the strategic role of the private sector in establishing a center to revive medical equipment, adding: creating added value and employment and turning problems into solutions are the abilities of knowledge-based companies, and government entities such as the Vice-Presidency play a facilitating role in this regard.

Supporting Knowledge-based Companies in the Health Field

According to the vice president, corona outbreak and sanctions against Iran have created a good opportunity for knowledge-based companies such as VITA to prove that they can be beneficial for health of the country, value creation and employment generation as a safe way.

He continued: VITA and similar centers can expand their domain of activities and extend the step from repairing medical equipment to other high-tech equipment such as laboratory equipment.

Sattari pointed out the support of knowledge-based activities and startups in the health field, asserting: as in the past, we support active and creative teams, especially in the fields of medicine, health and laboratory equipment.

Providing Health to the Community by Reviving Medical Equipment

It is called city vital, a CT scan machine that had been damaged and forgotten in the warehouse of one of the capital's hospitals until last year. Today, however, it has returned to the use cycle and has helped many patients with the help of Vital Complex technologists.

VITA Innovation Center is a subset of accelerator for the synthesis of medical equipment that need repair and can be revived and updated.

In this center, ventilators and CT scan equipment are repaired and optimized as a requirement of medical centers to serve coronary patients. Rehabilitation of this equipment is currently the first priority of VITA's activities.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs


  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 70589

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