  • Jan 26 2021 - 13:52
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Iran-Armenia technological relations expand; Sattari: Two thousand Iranian students returned to the country from the top 100 universities in the world

The Vice President of Science and Technology met with the Minister of Economy of Armenia to provide space for the development of technological relations between the two countries.

Armenian Economy Minister, Vahan Karroubian, headed a high-level delegation to Iran to visit the country's technological infrastructure and scientific achievements, and to discuss the conditions for developing interactions and exchanges between the two countries in a joint meeting with Vice President of Science and Technology, Sorena Sattari.

Sattari continued: "Considering that this model is closer to the culture of Armenia, it will definitely have more application for the officials and managers of this country for the return of their elites." European and American models are further away from Armenian culture. We are fully prepared to provide you with our native model.

 Sattari added: "From the beginning of the current government, the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology has focused on the knowledge-based economy and the resistance economy."

 The Vice President of Science and Technology believes that the implementation of joint technology projects between the two countries is necessary because it will help develop bilateral relations and strengthen bilateral cooperation.

The head of the National Elites Foundation, noting that 98% of the drugs needed by the country are produced domestically, said: "Our domestic expert manpower is able to meet domestic needs, so we can help Armenia in the development of new technologies."

The Vice President of Science and Technology stressed that the Armenian community has a special place in Iran, emphasizing: "Many Armenian scientists and scientific leaders study in Iranian universities." This country, like Iran, is facing the phenomenon of migration and departure of its elites. But with the help of our native model, you can persuade your elite to come back.

 Noting that the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology is ready to share all his experiences with Armenia, the head of the National Elites Foundation said: "We can work together on projects in the field of creating a joint technology park and student exchange."

Sattari continued: At present, most laboratory equipment is produced locally in Iran. We have an exhibition of laboratory equipment made in Iran, which currently has 10,000 products on display. Iran is ready to cooperate with Armenia in this area as well.

 He called student exchange between countries a necessity and said: "The United States, despite its belligerent policies with Iran, welcomes 11,000 of our students." Because it has nothing to do with politics and it is a cultural connection. Iran and Armenia should also work together to exchange students.

He called student exchange between countries a necessity and said: "The United States, despite its belligerent policies with Iran, welcomes 11,000 of our students." Because it has nothing to do with politics and it is a cultural connection. Iran and Armenia should also work together to exchange students.

He added: "Armenia is looking for a program that can bring its elites and educated people back to the country from all over the world." It brings us economic prosperity. The elite return program implemented in Iran can be used for ourselves in a native way.

Karubian continued: "We strongly agree with the implementation of a project in the field of creating a technology park jointly between Iran and Armenia, and we are interested in its implementation as soon as possible and the formation of a team to develop bilateral cooperation."

The Minister of Economy of Armenia also stated: "Iran's scientific and technological capacities are very high and we are interested in using it." Of course, Armenia also serves Iran in this area.

Report by the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 72442

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