  • Oct 17 2017 - 14:38
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  • Study time : 2 minute(s)

Iranian Technology in a Market Beyond Iran

Iranian Technology in a Market Beyond Iran

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Mahdi Zeyghami, manager of patent association, stated about the activities of the association in the area of commercialization: in addition to patent registration, one of the major missions of this association is completing the final loops of patent since an inventor wants to protect his product or easily perform activities related to the transfer of registered product after patent registration.

He continued: to date, completing of these final loops has been neglected in Iran and there is no relevant infrastructure. Therefore, this task is one of the major goals of the association. Fortunately, the topic of patent registration has properly formed in the association and we are working in collaboration with two companies working in this area.

Zeyghami mentioned that patent is not a tool for presentation of statistics; rather, it is a tool for commercialization. He added: most of inventors have no information about the steps following patent registration. Therefore, with regard to the fact that proper activities have been performed for patent registration from last year, we have initiated the subject of wealth creation through patent. In this regard, we have signed separate agreements with two companies from China and Malaysia. Our intention is to find customers for the desired technology and products with the cooperation of the mentioned companies.

Manager of patent association also talked about memorandums of understanding signed between the association and companies from China and Malaysia, expressing: WTOIP (Chinese Company) has 36 branches, one of the largest of which works in the area of product commercialization. According to the agreement, this company will create wealth from patents and commercialize the Iranian technologies. In addition, the other company from Malaysia is currently working with India, Singapore and Indonesia. Therefore, it can follow up the concept of commercialization of Iranian technological products in the mentioned countries in addition to Malaysia. However, we are currently in the process of negotiation with European companies to expand the market of Iranian products in these countries as well.


In terms of criteria for selecting technologies to be represented to the mentioned companies, he asserted: as the first step, the Iranian technologists must accept that their product and technology will be presented in China or Malaysia in addition to Iran. On the other hand, the association selects technologies that have products. Moreover, those who have request for patent registration and search for market in the desired countries, can send their request to the association. 

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  • News code : 28066


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