  • Oct 20 2020 - 14:18
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Indigenous Trainees Help Boost Knowledge-based Exports

With the help of domestic workforce, the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs has aimed to develop the knowledge-based market in regional countries. A profitable market that contributes to economic prosperity. To do this, it will use the power of applicant companies.

Given the development of technological abilities of Iranian knowledge-based companies and the government’s interest in sending trainees to regional countries, a suitable opportunity has been created to train foreign trainees in these companies.

This is done with the aim of training marketers in the countries of the region. All training and accommodation expenses of these interns during their one-month stay in Iran will be paid by the relevant government or the Vice-Presidency.

Those interested in this subject are invited to submit their request before November 5th, 2020.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs


  • News group : NEWS,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center
  • News code : 70627

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