  • May 2 2024 - 14:18
  • 526
  • Study time : 5 minute(s)
Dehghani at the first round of the Sheikh Mofid award:

Humanization is the most important responsibility of the university/ granting a support package of 1 billion tomans to 100 selected professors

With the presence of the vice president for science, technology and knowledge-based economy and the head of the National Elites Foundation, 100 selected professors of the prominent universities of the country were honored with the Sheikh Mofid award.

By the report of the Communications and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, the ceremony of honoring 100 professors - the first cycle of the Sheikh Mofid Award, - was held with the presence of Ruhollah Dehghani, the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy and the head of the National Elitse Foundation and Seyyed Suleiman Seidafaqhi, the Deputy for the National Elites Foundation and a group of selected professors from 50 faculties of the country's top universities.

In this ceremony, the head of the National Elites Foundation emphasized the transformational and history-making mission of universities and said: Our universities have always been the source of transformation and have had a history-making mission. Before the victory of the Islamic Revolution, many of the currents of the revolution were formed in the hearts of the universities, and after the revolution, it was these universities that trained the specialized manpower needed by the country.

Dehghani pointed out that some roles in universities have become more prominent and less attention has been paid to other missions of professors and stated: During the last two or three decades, missions have become prominent in universities, one of which was the production of science; Accordingly, professors who played a role in the field of science production, more, better and higher quality articles were encouraged and supported. This is because in recent years, the role of university professors in realizing the connection with the industry and solving the problems of the country's industries has become more prominent, and universities and professors have taken steps in this direction. Each of these missions has brought blessings to the country, and awards and incentives have been determined for continuing to perform these roles with quality.

Emphasizing the main mission of the university, which is the training of manpower and philanthropy, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy said: the university is a factory of science creation, creation of innovation and technology, at the same time, one of the main responsibilities of universities is humanization. This responsibility, which should not be neglected, is beyond the other duties of universities.

Dehghani considered the Sheikh Mofid Award with the support of the Vice Presidency of Science and the National Elites Foundation to be a step in the direction of paying attention and emphasizing the main mission of universities and professors, based on human development, and said: All the programs, awards and actions of our universities under various titles have one goal behind them. They believe that it is the cultivation of human beings and students who reproduce elite and humane teachers.

The head of the National Elites Foundation stated that in the process of selecting professors and mentors, no call was announced and the chosen ones were selected by elite and talented students, he continued: a community of 20,000 talented and elite students from 50 faculties in Prominent universities across the country chose these professors based on specific criteria. These people are from different groups, including the winners of various competitions of the National Elites Foundation.

Referring to the reason why the process of selecting the best in the Sheikh Mofid Award is not called, he said: A problem that has always been a concern for me is that, for example, when we have defined an award for an exemplary teacher and the entire form must be completed and collected, the real best and those who are effective and engaged in real work have less sought to complete these forms and present themselves.

 The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy added: Based on this, we were looking for a solution on how to find our audience in an elite program and know which professors we should honor.

He continued: In a university mission, questions were formulated for the students based on the approved components so that by considering these criteria, the students could choose competent professors.


One billion tomans prize for 100 selected teachers who nurture students

 Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy stated that the value of the prestigious Sheikh Mofid Award in honor of this great teacher is a diverse package of cash prizes, support and credits worth 10 billion Rials per year for Mofid professors. One thousand points, consists of a diverse package of support that selected professors, without any restrictions and in a completely facilitated process, can benefit from this award in different ways according to their needs.

 Dehghani stated that Sheikh Mofid's 10 billion rial award, in addition to the financial part, includes a package of 16 different supports from the Vice Presidency of Science and the National Elites Foundation, and continued: Professors can receive up to 400 points of this award, equivalent to 400 million Tomans, directly in cash. Also, various other facilities from the support package of the Elites Foundation and the Vice Presidency of Science, including the possibility of deduction or exemption from military service for students, the use of post-doctoral facilities, the opportunity to study abroad, research grants, the use of the opportunity to attend conferences, the opportunity of scientific visits to Among these are 15 to 16 services that will be provided to the 100 winners of the Sheikh Mofid Award in the form of a basket and in the simplest way at the Vice Presidency of Science and the National Elite Foundation.

 In the end, Dehghani expressed his hope that at the end of the first term of the Sheikh Mofid Award, we can increase the current one hundred selected professors to 500 to 700 with your guidance and training.

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