  • Jun 10 2018 - 14:58
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Holding the Global Week of Space with the Slogan of “space unites the world”

Holding the Global Week of Space with the Slogan of “space unites the world”

Holding the Global Week of Space with the Slogan of “space unites the world”


The global space week will be held October 4th-10th, 2018 with the Slogan of “space unites the world”.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, the World Space Week Association (WSWA) selects a topic for the world space week (WSW) to plan all activities and events held in the world during this week.

The global week of space is held October 4th-10th, 2018 and its slogan is “space unites the world”.

This slogan was selected after the historical meeting of the space leaders of the world, meaning +UNISPACE 50 for the event. According to the report by the United Nations, the +UNISPACE 50 will extend the cooperation between space travels and newly emerged space governments and will help the development of activities related to space discoveries on a global scale.

According to the announcement by Goran Nikolasevic, executive director of the world space week forum, the world space week broke the records of space events in 2017 by holding more than four thousand events, the majority of which has been held in countries that have had a low number of space travels. This indicates the power and development the global space week in the world.


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