Five specialized vaccines will be produced in Iran in the next year
Five specialized vaccines will be produced in Iran in the next year

The vice president for science and technology affairs stated: five specialized vaccines will be produced in Iran in the next year with the support of the Vice-Presidency and help of the private sector.
According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, expressed on the ceremony to honor the manufacturing abilities of pharmaceutical industry and medical equipment: proper cooperation of the ministry of health has helped the Vice-Presidency to provide better services to the ecosystem of drugs and medical equipment.
According to Sattari, there are all components of the biomedical pharmaceutical and medical equipment in the country. Extraordinary universities, specialist human resources, active accelerators and knowledge-based companies that work well together to advance the goals of this industry. This has prevented the migration of specialists in the field.
He added: with the help of the establishment of the drug ecosystem in the country, the level of elite exit in this field has decreased.
The vice president for science and technology affairs mentioned: food and drug administration as facilitator in ministry of health is a good thing and we hope to have similar organization in all industries of the country.
Production of 135 Specialized Drugs in the Country
Sattari pointed out the research conducted by the Vice-Presidency, affirming: according to surveys in the first seven months of the year, we had about $1 billion worth of medicine in the country, which was a large number.
He emphasized the extensive efforts made by the Vice-Presidency to eliminate the problems of the industry, asserting: in the first package defined at the Vice-Presidency, 135 medicines and pharmaceutical raw materials, which had the highest imports to the country, except insulin, will be produced in the country.
The head of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter continued: soon, a letter will be sent to the ministry of health to announce the definitive scheduling for reducing currency import of these drugs. In the second package, we have predicted the production of 90 drugs and primary substance.
Sattari also marked: we have put five specialized vaccines that have not been domestically produced on the list for the next year. All of the vaccines will be produced by the private sector.
Pointing out that the Vice-Presidency has assigned a considerable amount of its budgets to two areas of drugs and medical equipment, he added: we strive to develop, in collaboration with all actors in this field, the production of pharmaceuticals and medical equipment.
Addressing the activists in the field of drug industries and medical equipment, Sattari stated: I advise you to seize the opportunity of sanctions to strengthen the scientific and production base of medicine and medical equipment.
Sattari talked about the entrance of the private sector in the field of livestock, poultry, aquatic and agricultural pesticides, explaining: these unique areas are prepared to become knowledge-based and accept the knowledge and science of domestic experts. We can thrive in these areas with internal power.