  • Jul 25 2020 - 14:49
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Five Innovation Centers Are Opened in Hamedan; Sattari: Patients with Corona Are Treated with Knowledge-based Equipment

Five innovation centers are opened in Hamedan province in the presence of Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, though video conferences. Malayer Grape and Raisin Innovation Centers, Cooperative Innovation, Social Innovation, Nahavand Innovation and Lalejin Pottery and Ceramic Innovation are these centers.

In the presence of journalists in Hamedan science and technology affairs, Sattari emphasized the country’s needs to corona equipment produced by knowledge-based companies. In this regard, he stated: we did not import almost any equipment in this field from other countries and all our needs were met by relying on domestic power.

Emphasizing the fact that the innovation and technology ecosystem is a good response to the country’s needs during the corona crisis, Sattari mentioned: during the Corona outbreak, the ability of scholars to emerge and respond to domestic needs without relying on imports.

According to Sattari, from the first days of the outbreak of corona disease in the country, the scholars started working and provided all the necessary equipment of the country, including medical equipment, mask production, ventilator inside the country.

Sattari continued: the scientists were also able to produce a ventilator, which is a complex technical device, inside and provide it to patients. During this time, we did not import a single ventilator.

The president for the national elites foundation also continued: scholars have also done well in supplying medicine to Crohn's patients, with a few examples on the country's drug list and the rest coming to market in three weeks.

Sattari believed that the technology and innovation ecosystem found its way in times of crisis and came to the forefront of the fight against corona with all power.

The president of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter pointed out a delay in the development of the research fund of the province, stating: this happened with a delay, but it will definitely have a great impact on the development of the province's technological measures.

According to this report, in this trip, the first phase of the new building of Hamedan Science and Technology Park with an area of 6,000 square meters was inaugurated. The transfer of the park grounds to knowledge-based and technology companies was another program that took place with the presence of Sattari.

In addition, the research fund of Hamedan Province was opened in the presence of Sattari. The fund is the financial arm of the park and carries out actions such as giving loans and bank guarantees to knowledge-based companies.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs

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  • News code : 69023

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