  • Nov 26 2022 - 09:41
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  • Study time : 4 minute(s)

First row: The third part: Transformation in financing models of technology ecosystem and innovation is necessary/ we use new models and concepts

Dehghani Firouzabadi participated in the first row program and gave explanations about the performance of the vice presidency of science in the field of "development of knowledge-based areas until the export of goods".

Ruhollah Dehghani Firouzabadi, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, in the third part of his speech in this program, pointed out that the discussion of financing in the ecosystem of innovation and technology is a serious and key discussion that if neglected, the activities will remain poor, stated: The simplest, most wrong and most unsuccessful method of financing is to form companies with government money, this method is doomed to failure. For this reason, it is necessary to use an innovation in financing methods.

He added: The knowledge-based production leap law has special capacities. One of these capacities is tax credits, which emphasizes that companies can spend their taxes on research and development with the approval of the the vice presidency of science. Now this company can spend its duty tax for development and research in its company or invest it in companies that do research and development work.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy considered this method a suitable financing for companies and said: In this model; the economy of the main company and the collections that are in charge of its research and development work will experience proper promotion and improvement.

We inject a knowledge-based and innovative brand into the stock market

Referring to the second financing model considered in this field, Dehghani Firouzabadi said: Taking help from people's funds is also an innovative method in this field. Our people are smart in a special way. For example, recently a part of a knowledge-based company's share was offered in the stock market and the shares of the company were bought within 8 minutes. In the stock market, we are looking to give the message to the people that this area is reliable for investment by defining 2 signs, labels or brands under the title of "Knowledge Based" and "Innovator".

He continued: Companies should be transformed into large and economic groups by forming a consortium and their shares should be offered to the stock market so that they can get good financing from the capital market. People are smart and they know that today nothing creates added value like science and technology. In the current situation, they know that if they invest in any commercial field, the added value of 70 to 200% is very low, but in science and technology, sometimes they will experience the added value of 1000 times.

According to the head of the National Elites Foundation, a number of knowledge-based companies entered the stock market, and with the help of the Stock Exchange Organization, the path for them has been a little easier and smoother. The entry of knowledge-based collections into the capital market must happen, and we in the vice presidency of science will follow up this task seriously by providing training before entering this market; The presence of these collections in the stock market should be less risky and more serious.

He believes that if we have industry and knowledge-based companies that create such funds and can enter the capital market, then there will definitely be a lot of liquidity in the country and it will establish significant changes in the country.

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy also said: The government is one of the biggest consumers of services and goods that are produced in the ecosystem of technology and innovation. The first time production law, which was established by the approval of the knowledge-based production leap law gives the devices the opportunity to make purchases from local products.

He added: It is stated in this law that if a government agency intends to purchase goods or services that can be produced domestically; Without holding tender ceremonies and without delay, and with the help of the production working group, the vice presidency of science can make its purchases from the domestic market for the first time. This is a special opportunity that greatly contributes to the use of indigenous power. In this process, the supply side, the market of knowledge-based companies and the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade are present so that the work can be done faster.

Dehghani Firouzabadi called the use of foreign capital as another financing model and said: There are some problems in financing from international markets, and these challenges can be reduced with more cooperation and support from the government. With these associations, it is possible to attract foreign investors and assure him that this investment has a good financial benefit for him. Some neighboring countries are also interested in establishing systems or factories for the production of knowledge-based products in their own country, which is a very pure and good opportunity.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy


  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 89024

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