  • Nov 23 2022 - 10:09
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  • Study time : 7 minute(s)

First row: The first part: Dehghani Firouzabadi: We will increase the share of knowledge-based economy in GDP / The knowledge-based production leap law is a great opportunity for the country's economic prosperity

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy attended last night's "first row" program and gave explanations about the performance of the vice presidency of science in the field of "development of knowledge-based fields up to the export of goods".

Last night, in the first part of his speech in this program, Ruhollah Dehghani Firouzabadi, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, pointed out that the future of Iran's economy is knowledge-based economy, and said: In the past decades, we have achieved good results according to the emphasis The Supreme Leader's position and the actions of the system's policy makers in the field of science and technology as the only key to the country's progress.

He added: During this period, special and good attention was paid to the development of start-up companies, research groups, technology development, etc., and these concepts were taken into account. These actions led to the formation of science and technology discourse in the country, and today we see that all the officials in the country and all economic influencers consider the science and technology discourse as the serious discourse of the country.

Dehghani Firouzabadi continued: All these measures are good, but they are not enough to gain a serious share of science and technology in the country's economy and turn science into wealth, and we are still far from achieving this goal. If we can put science and technology on the right path to become real wealth and added value and gain a serious share of this sector in the economy; We can say that we have realized the knowledge-based economy.


The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, pointing out that the knowledge-based economy requires innovations in governance, emphasized: processes, mechanisms, insurances, taxes, financial, legal issues, etc. should also be aligned with innovation. Innovation should be implemented in all aspects of governance and economy based on science and knowledge. This work will definitely lead to the realization of very significant added value, improvement of productivity and finally the realization of a knowledge-based economy in the country.


The share of the knowledge-based economy in the GDP should increase every year

He added: Our assumption is that at least by the end of the next 2 years, we will be able to connect 4 to 6 percent of the real GDP to the knowledge-based economy. This share should be expanded and increased every year. Currently, there are countries that have established more than 50% of their economy based on knowledge and experienced high added value. A good movement started in Iran as well; But today we need all the elements of the country to come to work and join the innovation system so that good things happen in this field.

Dehghani Firouzabadi emphasized that general innovation means the penetration of science and technology in all areas, which we must follow and develop along with all countries, and said: but innovation in a special way must be based on the local advantages of each country. In Iran, we should define this goal based on local advantages and internal needs and support any technology that can help the real development of the country.

He continued: "One of our actions is to help companies to become knowledge-based in a simpler process." But these works should be done considering the quality of production in products and services. Because improving the quality of products is emphasized by the supreme leader of the revolution. We also accept the weaknesses, for example, there are still some infrastructures to fully realize this goal, and we are trying to provide these infrastructures.

The head of the National Elites Foundation stated that to develop the ecosystem of technology and innovation, one of the main symbols of which are knowledge-based companies, he said: for this, we must pay attention to the formation of knowledge-based companies, which takes an average of 3 years, and on the other hand, to encourage active collections in the country to become knowledge-based by improving them.

Knowledge based companies should take steps to promote public welfare

He described the role of knowledge-based institutions in people's lives as increasing the level and quality of people's lives and said: In this type of economy, we seek to increase incomes and people's satisfaction with the services provided, and one of our criteria in measuring the effectiveness of these collections is the level of satisfaction. services provided to them in the country's economy. If this approach is realized, people should definitely see and feel its effects in their well-being and peace.

Dehghani Firouzabadi continued: In the design of social networks, platforms that have accelerated transportation and sales for people and businesses, and this is one of the successful cases, the result of which is completely visible in the society, and people understand it. They were wondering how the penetration of technology has a positive and good effect on their lives. The good and effective activity of these companies in the field of providing drugs such as anti-cancer drugs, producing vaccines and all kinds of technologies that indirectly play a role in the life and health of society in the field of nanotechnology and biotechnology are other milestones of these efforts.

We increase the quality of products related to people's lives

Emphasizing that there is a need to better understand and see the penetration of technology in industries that are directly related to people's lives, such as automobiles, household appliances, etc., he said: If we can enter these industries that are related to people's daily lives, to see results such as cheaper and better quality of these products. I make this promise and hope for the country's success in creating knowledge-based collections that can help realize this issue in the country.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy believes that the country is full of people's and human wealth, each of them can be the source of positive developments and effects for the country. The increasing growth of companies, the interest of young people in creating their own businesses and creating transformation and development of the country is very encouraging, and if we as the government do our duty properly, very soon people will see the effects of these efforts in their lives. Fortunately, today there are cooperations to realize this goal in the country.

All the pillars of governance are associated with the discourse of science and technology

Dehghani Firouzabadi added: 30 years ago, when the Supreme Leader stated about the importance of science and technology development in the country, at some points it was given less attention or was viewed as a second-hand issue, but today, if we want to look fairly or talk about it, everyone at the government and governance institutions are associated with this vision and goal. The knowledge-based production leap law, which is a progressive law, is at a much higher level than other countries. My advice to all knowledge-based and economic activists is to definitely read this law. I believe that this law creates special advantages and good opportunities for the country, and if we implement it well in the next 10 years, the knowledge-based economy will definitely be realized.

Referring to the approval of the Law for the Protection of Knowledge-Based Companies and Institutions in 2010, he said: This law became the cornerstone of the events that we can see the positive effects of in the society today. All knowledge-based companies, innovation clusters, accelerators, etc. are the product of the implementation for the law. Now that in 2022 after 12 years with the experience of the previous law and understanding its gaps, problems and strengths; We have a new law that has involved all levels of governance, we must use this opportunity to witness the prosperity and prosperity of the knowledge-based economy in the country in the next 10 years.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 88999

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