  • Jun 13 2018 - 14:32
  • 230
  • Study time : 2 minute(s)
Sattari on a Joint Meeting between the Vice-Presidency and Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare;

Facilitation of the knowledge-based business environment is the most important measure taken by the government.

Facilitation of the knowledge-based business environment is the most important measure taken by the government.


According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, a meeting was held between Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affiars, and Ali Rabiei, minister of ministry of cooperatives, labor and social welfare, to facilitate knowledge-based businesses and solve their problems and obstacles.

Sorena Sattari pointed out the implementation of the law for support of knowledge-based companies, stating: the Vice-Presidency has aimed to support knowledge-based business. To date, special methods have been designed and implemented with the cooperation of various organizations, including tax, customs and military forces to improve knowledge-based businesses.

Sattari pointed out the significant role of ministry of cooperatives, labor and social welfare in the facilitation of the knowledge-based business space, mentioning: given the new nature of knowledge-based businesses, there are some problems in interacting with social supply organization that must be resolved.

In the meeting, Rabiei emphasized the importance of knowledge-based businesses, affirming: the issue of occupation is one of the main topics of the country, and special measures must be taken to provide jobs for graduates in the program of occupation development and rural occupation expansion.

He also pointed out the previous experiences of the country in the area of occupation development, stating: we need to support industrial and production chains and marketing and sale companies, which will motivate a great number of agencies and individuals.

He also talked about the preparedness of the ministry of labor for support of knowledge-based companies and institutes, marking: a special order has been made in the insurance right area for contracts and formation of specialized agencies to perform all insurance affairs of knowledge-based companies. It is aimed to minimize the problems of companies in this field with the cooperation of the Vice-Presidency.

In this meeting, Mohammad Hassanzadeh, insurance deputy of social welfare, stated: according to the topics of this joint meeting, all contracts of knowledge-based companies will benefit from lack of insurance payment for contracts and issuance of recoupment account will depend on obtaining an audit commitment from offices.

This meeting was attended by Isa Mansouri, deputy of entrepreneurship development and occupation of the ministry of labor, Alireza Daliri, deputy for management and resources development headquarter, Mahdi Eliasi, deputy of investment development, and Mohammad Sahebkar, head of the center for knowledge-based companies and institutes.



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  • News code : 35146


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