  • Aug 15 2021 - 16:36
  • 299
  • Study time : 1 minute(s)

Extension of international patents; The path of product market development was paved

Given the acceptance of all international patent treaties, Iran has provided full support for technological ideas for audiences in the country.

New technologies are produced to enter the market for which there are requirements. Ensuring the protection of intellectual property rights and proving the ownership of innovative individuals or companies is one of the requirements for this action.

So given the process that patents need as a tool to support new technologies; Audiences need to be fully acquainted with this area. The Patent Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology has provided the ground for familiarizing and informing about this issue by holding specialized webinars in this field.

The association has also paved the way for applicants with more than 90% support for patents in international offices. So far, 172 patents have been granted with these sponsorships and 352 applications have been published in reputable foreign patent offices.

The center has organized a webinar to get acquainted with the services it offers and to make the audience more aware, which will be held on August 17th. For more information, interested parties can refer to the Kanoon website.
Patents in world-renowned patent systems, such as USPTO and EPO, 90% of total patent costs in reputable patent offices, such as USPTO and EPO, Technical and expert advice on patent writing « Draft »Standardization, promotion and dissemination of concepts and topics related to intellectual property rights, to inform the general public, empowerment of experts in the intellectual property offices of universities and higher education centers, holding seminars and workshops on intellectual property of universities and knowledge-based companies and creating a database It is one of the patented and valid technologies and inventions of some of the services provided by the center.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center
  • News code : 77304

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