  • Jul 22 2018 - 14:30
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  • Study time : 4 minute(s)
Sattari on the Ceremony of Cultural Maturity and Production of 13 Recombinant Drugs by PersisGen Accelerator:

Expanding the horizon of activities for the private sector is the solution for technological production through applied research

Expanding the horizon of activities for the private sector is the solution for technological production through applied research


The vice president for science and technology affairs stated: flourished output of human resources in technology production is achieved through the formation of a proper business environment. In addition, gaining income and solving problems by research achievements requires transformation in previous support methods and expanding the horizon of activities of the private sector.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, emphasized the design of new methods in research with the help of the private sector to be used as a substitute for former techniques and government expenses on the ceremony for technological maturity and provision of 13 recombinant drugs by PersisGen Accelerator. In this regard, he stated: experience of large government investment in research has shown the failure of this method. Therefore, creating a proper environment for the private sector and spending a significantly less amount of money to have better results in technology and innovation production.

Sattari continued: despite the large investments by the government in the research section, no proper result has been obtained since research comes from the core of the private sector. Spending money on applied research by the government and governmental recruitment as an occupation solution is a wrong path for reaching enhancement and solving problems. The problems will be solved when the private sector plays a role in research and occupation.

Head of the national elites foundation regarded the activities of the Persis Gen biotechnology accelerator in production of technology by the private sector by relying on the abilities of creative human resources as a successful example in this regard.

The vice president for science and technology affairs emphasized the necessity of improving the business environment, expressing: the areas involved with the knowledge-based and researchers of the private sector must be matched with customs and tax organizations. More important than exemptions is proper understanding of these sections and research structure, as well as knowledge-based companies and startups.

He pointed out the remarkable capacity of Tehran for booming creativity and innovation based on an entrepreneurship ecosystem, affirming: according to the latest GII, Tehran is among the top 50 technological cities of the world and the future of this city depends on innovation and technology.  

He continued: in this respect, development of accelerators in specific areas and interactions with the municipality of Tehran are being seriously followed up to turn the capital of Iran into a technology park. However, the technology park is not a physical concept and the spirit of innovation and technology must be observed in a city. In this regard, the creative, young and education human resource must be able to implement ideas in the form of technological and knowledge-based businesses.

Realization of a Three Percent Share of Iran from the Global Biotechnology Market

Mostafa Ghanei, secretary of biotechnology development headquarter, talked about the production of recombinant products in biotechnology area and production of stem cells by the private sector, marking: cell production and development is in the hand of the country and we take further steps in this area by having the proper knowledge and technology, passing other countries in this field.

Mentioning that reaching a 3% share of the global biotechnology market by Iran is not surprising, Sattari claimed: 35 new drugs will be produced by establishing other accelerators. In addition, we can reach the first place in Asia, which will lead to the realization of a 3% share of the global biotechnology market.

Maturity of 13 Technology Companies by Persis Gen and Entrance to the Drug Market

Amirhossein Kar’agah, CEO of Persis Gen accelerator, regarded the recruitment of young elites of the country in the field of production of unique biotechnology products and lack of production of products that have domestic counterparts are the two main missions of the accelerator. In this regard, he declared: we have aimed to gain and adhere to the global standards in the drug and medication field. In this accelerator, we must consider all necessary standards for entering global markets in terms of product manufacturing.

Believe in the Ability of Iranian Manufacturers Guarantees the Booming of Biotechnology Products

Gholamreza Asghari, head of the food and drug organization, pointed out the necessity of believing in the abilities of domestic manufacturers in supplying the necessary products, especially the field of health. In this respect, he stated: a false belief in the society is that we think the foreign products have a higher quality, compared to their domestic counterparts. This attitude requires a great change.

Hossein Vatanpour, secretary of the higher council of health technologies, regarded the targeting of the country in the biotechnology area to be favorable, expressing: in the area of basic sciences and education, we have had proper planning and graduates of the relevant fields enter the market with a high level of preparedness.

Entrance of 13 Biotechnology Medications to the Drug Market of the Country

In this ceremony, the entrance of 13 recombinant drugs to the market of medications was celebrated in the presence of Sattari, Asghari, Hamedifar, CEO of CinnaGen knowledge-based company, and Ghaderifar, head of the strategic technologies development center. These medications have passed the half-industrial production stage.


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  • News code : 36193


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