  • May 21 2018 - 14:51
  • 339
  • Study time : 1 minute(s)
Performed by the Iran National Science Foundation;

Entrance of technological achievements of the engineering field to the society

Entrance of technological achievements of the engineering field to the society

New research projects will be performed in the field of engineering by researchers of the country, and we will soon witness the implementation of these projects and entrance of their achievements into the society.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, the working group of engineering of the Iranian national science foundation evaluated 14 research projects, one postdoctoral agreement project, five postdoctoral projects and three agreement research projects on its last meeting, which led to the support of 11 projects. These projects are in the fields of chemical engineering, mechanics, materials, oil, computer sciences, artificial intelligence, aerospace and energy. All of these fields are important and some are in the knowledge-border field. For instance, artificial intelligence has attracted the attention of many researchers of the world in recent years and each day we hear something new happening in this area. Robots enter the markets and the area is developed every day to perform activities similar to human being. This indicates the importance of support of research in this field. The working group performs activities to provide equal support for all active researchers of this field in the country.

In the end, each of these projects will have various achievements, including publication of Q1 articles, scientific and research articles, production of samples and software, holding educational workshops and conceptual models.

  • News group : NEWS
  • News code : 34552


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