  • Jul 11 2018 - 14:13
  • 155
  • Study time : 2 minute(s)
Will Be Held by the National Brain-mapping Laboratory;

Education of familiarization with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation

Education of familiarization with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation


The educational workshop of “familiarization with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS)” will be held by the national brain-mapping laboratory of Iran.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, it is aimed in this educational round to talk about the background of emergence of brain simulation methods and their effectiveness. In addition, the role of transcranial magnetic stimulation, including frequency, stimulation location, total number of pulses, and a variety of techniques for providing magnetic stimulation of the brain will be evaluated. Following that, various devices will be reviewed and the benefits of each of them to be used in psychological treatment centers will be assessed. Moreover, issues that must be regarded for safety of this treatment will be explained. The conventional treatment protocols in each psychological disorder will be evaluated in detail. In the end, participants will be familiarized with how to determine the threshold of motion.

Familiarization of brain specialists and neurologists with the application of rTMS in neurological rehabilitation and familiarization of psychologists with the use of rTMS in treatment of psychology disorders are the goals of the workshop.

Moreover, participants of this educational workshop will obtain skills in various fields, including familiarization with the history and mechanism of TMS, familiarization with TMS simulation parameters (frequency, intensity, intervals between simulation and place of simulation), how to determine the motor threshold and familiarization with clinical applications of TMS in psychological disorder, especially mood disorders. Students and specialists in the fields of psychology, general medicine, physical medicine and rehabilitation, pediatric neuropsychiatry, psychology and counseling can participate in the event. In addition, this event has the re-training benefit for groups of psychology, general medicine, physical medicine and rehabilitation, pediatric neuropsychiatry, psychology and counseling.

The educational workshop of “familiarization with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS)” will be held July 19th 2018 at the location of the national brain-mapping laboratory.

The national brain-mapping laboratory is established with the goal of responding to a part of research and technology needs of the country in order to lay the groundwork for brain simulation and imaging for cognitive research and presenting knowledge-based services in the area of cognitive sciences and technology and brain-mapping with the support of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs.


  • News group : NEWS
  • News code : 36012


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